[Suplex] 04.29.03

More freshness coming your way today! A Long tim PT'er and message board dweller, my main man Kev-Buc, recently hit up a Shangri-La tour date in New York and has given us pics to pimp right here on PT!

J J 2
J 3 J 4 J 5 J 6
J 7 J 8 Shaggy Shaggy 2
Shaggy 3 Shaggy 4
Shaggy 5 Shaggy 6 Shaggy 7

Boom! Props to Kev-Buc for the hook up. In other news, The Blaze/Esham tour is tomorrow night here in Denver, but I won't be in attendance. Atmosphere is playing the same night, so yeah... Anyways, my boy Timmy, besides picking me up a throwback jersey, will probably give us a report from the show and merch report and all that... So fear not, I've got you covered! I'm out like the Pistons and Pacers from the playoffs.

[Suplex] 04.24.03

Big update, and no I'm not peddling my shit! The Esham/Blaze/Bone Thugs mega tour kicked off last night, and a PT Message Board dweller by the name of chang0 was in the house and has given us a review of the show and merch news:

Blaze came out next and had close to the same set order as on the Outlawz tour but 20 minutes of songs were omitted. The outlawz show was pretty good, blaze did pretty much every @#%$ song he's ever released on Psychopathic. Esham came out with TNT and busted a lot of @#%$ from Bruce Wayne and Dead Flowers, ended with migrane headache. Not much here except for how lots of the gangstas' girlfriends were feeling Esham for some reason. They were all responding to his call outs and the gangstas were getting pretty pissed about that.

Blaze merch was the same as outlawz tour, the raiders shit. Esham throwback was there along with a fucking awesome tour shirt with a black demon and esham logo over it... I Didn't see a blaze tour shirt but I didn't look that hard.

So there ya go. Also, As you probably noticed, PT.com was down the other day... Well, the PT.com email addys were down as well so if someone doesn't think we got an email from them, please resend. That's it from me, I'm out like 100 bucks when I buy that Esham Throwback.

EDIT: Another Message Board Dweller, Blaine, said he found these pics on another board. We're not sure who should get credit for them... If you took them, let us know! Anyways, here are two new Esham shirts for you... As always, click the thumbnails for a bigger picture:

[TaDow] 04.22.03

Well, here I am, back once again, but with no real news.. and no, I'm not trying to shamelessly shill my stuff with a once-a-month post like Chris does. Regardless, I come bearing gifts of new sections.

Yup.. under Misc. over to your left, we now have Backstage Passes, and Frontstage Passes. Now, in a nutshell, the Backstage Pass section is a little odd in the fact that we don't have values. Check out the explanation on the page for more on that, and if you have any feelings either way, hit us up with an email. The Frontstage Pass section is nice because it gives a lot of people their first glimpse of the "Dog Beats Era" passes that were sold back in the day. So hopefully, everyone gets something out of this goodness.

And we're not done yet... oh no! I think we have two quickie sections that may be up by next week, and then I retire to the basement to work on a big one. I believe that is for now. Like the Pistons winning ways, I shall return!

[Suplex] 04.20.03

How ironic that 4-20 and Easter land on the same day... A Happy day to the religious folk as well as the pot heads out there. However today I come to you all with a chance for fabulous prizes! Ok, there are no prizes... But I got some stuff I need to sell... So if you're interested, here is my list for sale:

It's allll in mint condition. I really need money so please make cash offers. You can e-mail me at suplex@psychopathictraders.com. That's all for now, Peace.

[TaDow] 04.18.03

Another chilly night here in the D, and here I sit, doing up a quicky update. Not much to really talk about, but, it's stuf that is worthwhile.

First up, my main man Philly Tony, as he likes to be called (or not.. but that is what I call him) has some stuff on ebay. He always has stuff on ebay. But this week, he has the Madrox Wheaties box that he won from the Twiztid.com auctions. So, if you want that, check it out and help Anthony out. Check out all of his stuff, actually.

In some site news, we have a few new sections that are DONE, but waiting a minor tweak, and some double checking. We have a few more in mind after this, and some current pages are getting a new look, so rest assured, we're always working for you.

We also took down the "Tour Merch" Banner, because.. I think everyone knows what all is out there. If something new pops up, we'll be sure to say so here. Speaking of.. I heard that there is a Camo bandana, and an ABK visor now on the Shangri-La tour. Word also has it that there is not nearly as much stuff now as their was earlier, so we figured it's time to let it go. If a lot more stuff pops up, or the Twiztid tour springs new merch, it shall return.

Anyways.. I really thought I had a lot to update about, but I obviously don't. So, until next time, like the Magic in the playoffs, I am done.

[TaDow] 04.14.03

Slow and steady updates win the race, and we're comin with more slow and steady bits of information.First up, I have heard of some new items on the Shangri-La tour. First up is a new pair of HatchetGear shorts with the new logo on the front, and "Psycho" and "Pathic" on the back. I also got word of this awhile ago, but I always forget to mention it - I was told at the Cincinnati show that a new "Scrub" shirt was sold. It's black, has a Psy patch on the pocket, and a large Hatchetman on the back. If anyone has seen this more recently or has a picture, please hit us up.

Next up, you may have noticed the steady stream of new stuff on HatchetGear.com like the Mortons List hat and hoodie. Well, it's 1:50 PM EST, and there is one left of each, so get on that if you want them. But, they also have a bunch of other stuff, such as hats, some magazines, and such all restocked, so always check that out.

Hmm.. I really thought there was other stuff, but I can't recall anything at the moment. If you sent in an email to be on the List, Chris is having a heavy week at school, so that will be done soon. Other than that, have yourself a fine day, and I am out.

[TaDow] 04.10.03

Another day, another update of quick tidbits to get you through your day. First, thanks to Scottie, Rick, and all the Luvers of Faygo of the .net, for putting PT as their link of the month. Much, much appreciated... even though it seems like our Message Boards are feuding. Hell, I think every Board is hating on ours right now... but I digress. Now I feel we have to Emeril this month, and kick it to notches unknown to mankind. And that shall happen, hopefully.

I know this was reported on ZugSyn.com, but I didn't see it elsewhere... Hot Topic is now carrying an ABK shirt and a Zug shirt. It appears the ABK is the exact same as the one on tour, except for the green outline on the front, and back I have heard. The Zug back is the classic logo, but Blue, with a Red outline, like in the upper corner of the front.

In other news of things and people that I jock.. here is one that few care about, but goddammit, it tickled my fancy. For years, people have talked about the track ICP did with Coup Detroit called Get Your Ass Off the Couch. Not much is known about it, or them. But I got bored and did some searching and found this bio on Coup Detroit. This is where the jocking comes in.. I never knew that one of their original members was Rich Murrell, aka Legs Diamond. I'm a big fan of the man, so needless to say.. I went into mark mode. But, if you ever wondered what Coup Detroit was all about.. there ya go! And if that site gives yo ua headache like it did for me.. the part you may want to start caring is at the end of the "Coup 1" section when they hook up with MEC, and beyond.

And that is all. I bid you all a good day.

[TaDow] 04.09.03

Hello there, to all my friends in PT Land. I have some quick tidbits to get to, so here we go.

You may or may not have noticed some new graphics on the tops of different pages, as well as some changes on the Left there. ABK got his own Shirts section, and we broke the Hoodies down by artist. Not big changes, but changes regardless. We'll probably be doing more little stuff like that in the days to come, so, if you see any links or pictures not working, or any items missing that you recall seeing, feel free to let us know. I know that some things probably messed up; it's just how things work. And if you can't see changes on a page, or on the Left Frame, just Right Click and Refresh, as always. It's that simple!

Speaking of ABK, I am sure you know that Hatchet Warrior came out today, and you probably got your copy. ABK's Audio section should be up very soon, if not by the time you read this!

In other news, I have been meaning to post this, but I always forget. We got an email from someone saying that they would be willing to help people make pages for their collections for a small fee or trades. So, if you always wanted a page, don't have the know-how, and want to try it out, hit up Skitz0franiK@aol.com.

I believe that is it. Later on.

[TaDow] 04.06.03

It's early Sunday morning, and daylight saving is rapidly approaching to take an hour from my life. So I should make this quick.

Tonight was the Acid Rain show in Detroit. Very, very cool show. There were infinite openers, which is always a downside of shows at Harpos. V-Sinizter opened the "main" half of the night, followed by a 3 song set (Outcha Mouth, Mad Mad World, and Chaos Theory I believe) by Jumpsteady, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Next.. Zug Izland, and I marked out, obviously. They played Fire, Slam, Suicide, Sunny Day, The River, Hiroshima, Cry with the girl doing the chorus, and War Pigs. Esham followed, doing a song with Zug, and then maybe a dozen of his own. Overall, very sweet show I would say.

Now, onto what you may have come here for. Oh good lord, the new merch was sweet. Zug has some new items... or "Zug-andise" as someone called it - two new shirts, this Grey one with a new logo on front and a Prison Song qoute on the back, and the other seemed to be a Black/Red "Cracked Tiles '03 Tour" shirt, with the dates from all of their tours. They also had a new Girlie shirt.. along with the regular new style hoodie, CD, two old shirts, the poster, and the black and red hats.They also had all of their jerseys for only 80 bucks. I also saw a girl in the VIP section with a black shirt... the Poster picture on the front, and a Blue Zug Logo outlined in Red on the back. Now THAT was sweet.. perhaps a new Mall Shirt.

Esham also had a TON of new shit. The most popular items being his Throwback Jersey with matching hat and Red shirt. Seriously, three HOT items. I hope all of the upcoming Throwback jerseys are half as sweet as this was. They also had two new shirts, with him in different poses on the front.. the Acid Rain Tour shirt, a Dickies style work shirt, black hat, white bandana... I believe that was it.

So.. there you have it. Good night, good crowd for a good show. We need to update a few sections now, but it's all gravy, as they say. So, until next time, I am signing off.

[TaDow] 04.04.03

It's a late Friday night, and I said I would come back up here, and here I am. Tonight was the big In-store at Hot Hits. I did not get any pictures, but expect some good ones at ZugSyn.com, and right here.. right now at HatchetRydasCC.com, who I never knew had so many pictures from shows and events. Anyways, the line was WAY bigger than I expected, especially in the rain and snow. Anyways, I guess Esham up and bounced after about 20 minutes, but Zug and Jumpsteady stayed, as far as I saw. Good stuff indeed, as I grabbed a flyer and a Zug flat. That's.. about it. Not much else to tell, really. I met a lot of cool people in line, so that is always a plus. And anyone who got their autograph in Silver from Syn, he ganked my pen, so.. you're welcome, I guess!

Speaking of new merch.... I heard that there will be some new stuff at the show tomorrow night for this tour, including a tour shirt, a new Zug shirt I assume, a Zug Girlie shirt and MORE! So hopefully I will have pictures after the show. Also, if you go to Twiztid.com, they have a list of their new merch at the ATL Comic Con. Again, if you go and get pictures, please hook us up.

I think that is it. I feel I am missing something... but alas, it's time to go. So, I shall be back tomorrow after the show with anything from there. Until then, like E. Diddy, I am bouncing.

[TaDow] 04.02.03

Not much going on, but as Chris already said, this is bound to just be the proverbial calm before the storm. The boom starts, actually, with this Comic Con show they announced on twiztid.com, followed by Twiztid's tour, which promises much new merchandise. If you happen to get to that Comic Con, please report back on what the merch situation looks like.

Speaking of Twiztid, I know most people ate looking forward to The Green Book and its release. Well, special info through the grapevine says that there is one track with ICP, and it's called "The Marsh Lagoon." Mark that on your calendars. folks.. it's pure gold. Also on the new CD front. ABK's CD seems to be found in soem stores across the country. So if you know a shady store in your area, hit it up. I know of one shady store in the D that shall remain nameless (Rock of Ages) that always sells stuff early, even though Psychopathic wants nothing to do with them (Rock of Ages) because they sell bootleg merch to kids (Rock of Ages) and Psy. doesn't see a dime (Rock of Ages). I'm SURE they will have it.

Now, this is a bit of info I always mean to bring up, but I never get a chance to. I hear people wondering how fast The Gathering will sell out. Well, you can find out! Maybe most of you know this, but bear with me. Go over to the Web Store, and press the Order button. It's ok.. do it! Now, just put a crazy number in the Quantity, and hit Update Quantities. Boom, it tells you how many are left! As of 11:40 PM right now, there are 2756 left. This trick works with everything on the Web Store, so if you are ever worried your item/size will sell out before you have the money, do this!

You may have noticed.. things being slow here, as already mentioned about 3 times. Anyways.. seriously, moving everything over to the new server is taking longer than I expected. I start to move.. then I update something here, so I have to redo it.. and that repeats. Then I start to work on new sections for the new server.. and that takes time.. as well as other projects that you shall all eventually come to know and love. So, in a nutshell, it may look like we're sitting here with our thumbs in our asses, but in reality, we're busting our asses to make PT better, while trying to avoid any serious downtime here. But I am sure you knew al lof that, for you are a patient bunch. I'm hoping to get it all done by this coming week, so we shall see.

That's it really. This weekend in the D is the Zug/Esham/Jumpsteady instore and show, and I shall be at both, so I hope to see you there. I shall hope to come back here with the news, and hopefully pictures. So, until then, I shall see you later.