[TaDow] 08.30.01

Goddamn, it's hard getting all the scoops and being the first to drop news. Props to JRocc and Twiztid 658 for showing this to me. In the long, and historic line of New Design Jokers Cards shirts, we now have... the Jeckel Brothers 2000 shirt. You know, now that it's 2001, it's not very effective for me to throw "2000" on something to make it seem all futuristic. Oh well. You can also purchase this fine shirt right here from the guy that I err... borrowed the picture from. So get down to your Hot Topic, where I am sure this is sold, if you want it. Well, here's the pic. I'm out.

[TaDow] 08.29.01

Second update today. I am just droppin in to tell you that the Psychopathic Web Store has a load of new shit including Dark Lotus hoodies, Red/Black and Black/Silver Hatchetman hoodies, a new style Freekshow jersey, 3 Twiztid bandanas, some new stickers, and girlie shirts. Very cool. It's sweet when they just drop new shit day after day on there. So check that out, and check the new Misc. section. I'm out like Suplex for the rest of the week.

[TaDow] 08.29.01

Boom. The ghetto ass Misc. page has been posted, and hey, it should work. As already started, it's ghetto cause it has no graphics or banners or anything, but it's still there, and started. The next addition to it may take a little time, but it's something I don't think any other pages have attempted, so it will be worth the wait. So I'm out like.. something.

[TaDow] 08.28.01

Sup? Just a quick quick update here. I feel like this is OLD news already, but that is just a microcosm of the fast-paced society that we live in... yeah, anyways, the Psychopathic Web Store now has Yellow Blaze football jerseys, one of the new Blaze shirts, bigger sizes of the OG Blaze shirt, and a spiffy new Psy. Bandana. Also, if you wander over to the Milenko500 Store, they have the Rydas football jerseys, which is sweet. Hmm, I think that is it. Some Misc. Section flavor should be hitting you between the eyes later tonight, so after you watch King of Queens or Who's the Boss... or whatever is on TV on Tuesdays nowadays, get online and check it out. Piece by piece it will be done, so be patient. Until then, I am out like the Liberty out of the WNBA Playoffs. War No Comets this year. Out.

[TaDow] 08.25.01

What... in the blue hell is up? I have a pretty big update here, so I will jump right into it. PT was reppin' at the Hamtown Explosion IWF show on Thursday night, which saw J and Shaggy wrestle their last match with Sabu against the Lynch Mob, as well as Sabu win the World Title in the battle royal, despite being quadruple teamed by the Lynch Mob. Also, PsychoPatrick beat on Prime Time Darren Starr in quite a contest, Rudy and Tom Dub jobbing in the Battle Royal, and Rude Boy/Alex challenged two, err.. newcomers to a match next month. That should be a dandy. In other 5 Star matches, Danny Daniels won the Cruiserweight title in a piss-poor 4 Way Elimination match; Scott D'Amore beat Larry Destiny, Mr Insanity/Deranged beat Mad Man Pondo/Necro Butcher with help from Yukon Braxton, setting up the ol Yukon vs Butcher match next month; Loverboy Steve beat Chuck Wagon; and Gutter defeated Breyer Wellington. Aside from the Cruisers, it was a very good card. IWF is shaping up, with or without Psychopathic stars, as the best Indy fed in Michigan by far.

So props to Tom, Rex, Roddy "Banned from Burger King" Hogan, our Canadian lovin mark who worked on MarzJuggalos.com and we never got his name, Hardcore Mike, Prime Time Reggie Reg, Brooks, the girl who was so drunk she was spillin beer on herself, the security who get punked out by Loverboy Steve's Lysol Spray, Brandon and his crew, and as always... anyone who I forgot, made fun of, ignored, laughed at, or otherwise interacted with in any way. You all deserve a big PT salute. A big Fuck You can go to the man they call "Smiley" for being a Carrot Top look-alike and givin Eric/Roddy Hogan shit before the show. I'm sure the 12 beers Hogan had didn't help matters, but dammit Smiley, you're an Indy ref. Check your ego at the door of the KC Hall.

Next, on the trading tip - Long time, old school PTer Jrocc sent us the news that the owner of Desirable Discs in Michigan is selling the Prototype ICP Action Figures. They are legit; I saw the owner win them at the Gathering 2000. So if you have the cheese to get that, go at it with 100% confidence it is forreal. Props to Jrocc for ALWAYS lookin out for PT.

On new merch news, there will be forsure a new Twiztid Batman jersey sold on the Hatchet Rising Tour, as well as two new Twiztid shirts. Props to Real Juggalos on that. I guess there are pictures of at least the jersey on Twiztid.com, but the hell if my computer runs fast enough to view the Twiztid site. So if you jet over there and see it/them, tight. You're one up on me.

That is about it for me. I will be up and operational at 100% on Monday afternoon/night with my computer, so that means some new sections won't be too far behind. So keep checkin back to PT, and I am out like ICP's non-JCW wrestling careers.

[TaDow] 08.20.01

Sup? Ain't shit here. I haven't been at 100% with my computer, but I still was able to hook up some new pictures in the releases pages. I am also hard at work on those Misc. sections that we have been talkin about for a while. I also wanted to jump in with a quick note that a few people have asked me about. I dunno what Suplex has been smokin down there in the southwest, but he Billy Gunn'ed this one. He speculated there would be some new members of Lotus. Well, to the best of my knowledge, neither Anybody Killa nor (more like HELL nor) Lavel will be a part of that. No hate towards either by me, but as I understand it, there will be two new songs, one with 3 6 Mafia, and all of Marz's lyrics will either be cut out or replaced by new lyrics of the other 5 members.

So that is it. Until I am back at 100% I am out like Chris Jericho's knee after that blown spot off the top rope.

[Suplex] 08.18.01

Whuddup Traders? Not a whole lot here. Couple things have gone down in the past couple days which have been pretty cool. ICP was on The O'Reilly show, which was cool because the interview was a serious one, and the questions were fair in my opinion. Then, yesterday, Violent J updated the webpage with a mega update, which was cool to read as well. It didn't have much in the way of trading news, except it said that the Dark Lotus version with Marz on it will be discontinued and a new version, the "real version" as J called it, will have his lyrics taken off and one or two rappers put on (I'm assuming Anybody Killa along with Lavel, or just Anybody Killa by himself), so I guess that makes the version out now kinda of rare, although he said they pressed 60,000 copies of the current version, so not too rare.

But that's not really what I came on to talk about. I need to talk about the Bad Traders list. A Kid by the name of "Pope" Has been getting threatened over the mail by a couple people he ripped off. This is NOT what the list was made for. We made the list because people can change e-mail and AIM names every 5 seconds, but can't change their addresses. We ask that you do not threaten people, send pipe bombs, find their house and burn it, or anything stupid like that. And no, he didn't threaten us with a lawsuit or anything. And yes, I've been ripped, I know what it feels like. But it's just not worth it. Doing that shit is illegal too, whether it be a simple threat or a mail bomb, so in that respect it's not really worth getting into deep shit over. So now we're taking down Pope's address, because we're not going to be responsible for some stupid people doing stupid shit.

Now that that is covered, We've got an addition to the bad traders list, named TheSandmanEra@aol.com. Besides liking a wrestler who tried to imitate Stone Cold and failed miserably, this kid ripped off another Juggalo and admited to it over e-mail to him, so we're putting him up.

And with that, I'm out Like The WWF Title From Stone Cold's Waist After A Devastating Olympic Slam & Ankle Lock.

[Suplex] 08.15.01

What's up traders? Nothing much here, but I got some new merchandise to drop. There are two new items at the official ICP online store and there is a new mall shirt. The first two items are a new style Psychopathic Hockey jersey and a black wife beater, both of which are on sale now. The jersey runs 150 and the wife beater runs like 20 or something. Pics can be seen at the site. The next thing was seen at Hot Topic today, it's a new long sleeved shirt that runs somewhere around 28 bucks. Here are the pics of it, props to my boy JuggaloJ821@aol.com:

Not a bad looking shirt, actually. I know a lot of the mall shirts some times turn out gay, But I may actually pick this one up after I obtain more Blaze merchandise (yes, a shameless plug. If you have any for trade/sale, hit me up!). In other site news, expect some changes coming in the next few days. And a bunch of people have been asking for a "Misc." section, and it is on it's way, just be patient.

[TaDow] 08.13.01

What is up? Not much here. I was at the Dark Lotus Instore last night in Indy, so I figured I would drop a little info from it. Now, I would go all in depth about the whole day, but frankly, the day SUCKED. Mind you, it was a FIVE hour drive there at 8am, which alone was not cool. Then we get our wristbands and had to wander the city for 6 hours before coming back and finding out that they ditched the Enter by Number idea. So we got to wait in line and got in at about 12:30 AM.

But then it was all worth it. This was the best instore I have been to. Every single one of them took the time to do something special for me. Whether it was making sure the paint pen dried or signing my shit special and uniquely, every single guy hooked it up, and for that, Psychopathic is the shit. Even Tom Dub hooked it up with an Autograph on my Giant Killer shirt. I was also told by Monoxide that they may not be doing any covers on Black Majik, and if they did, they may not be hits that we'd know.

So overall, props to Tom, Rex and Eric, whom I went with, and all of whom slept as I drove. Bastards. Also, as always, props to everyone I saw and talked to, avoided, made fun of your stupid hair, to anyone I annoyed, and to the girls behind me who J called out on not even knowing who ICP was. It was an experience, nonetheless, and we MAY even be lookin at another one before the tour is all over. But I'll hold off on that for now. Until next time, I'm out like Chris Benoit's neck.

[Suplex] 08.11.01

No big news tonight, traders, but I updated the bad traders section. A kid by the names of PopeSt3 and Pope1605 has been added.

[TaDow] 08.09.01

What's going on? Not much here. Just a quick report from the D. Tonight was the first Dark Lotus instore stop, and it was the shit. PT will forsure be representing at the Columbus stop, so if you are down there, look for us. On the Trading Front, they are selling some shit like the new Blacklight posters and some jerseys, one of which is a Rydas Football jersey. Hopefully we get some pics of that soon. Also, the Lotus members were wearing new Black Lotus jerseys with white lettering and burgandy trim. Very sweet, I must say.

I also overheard something from Violent J, so take this as a rumor only until we get more proof. I heard him say that ICP/Psychopathic are going to put out a CD with 12 songs by 12 different bands/groups, doing songs with ICP. Then the Juggalos would vote who/what song is the tightest and they would be signed to Psychopathic. Interesting concept. I hope I got those details right. But we shall see how that pans out.

So overall, props to anyone who I hung with, ran into, avoided talking to, talked shit about, and made small talk with. That would include, but not limited to Tom, Rex, Chris, Ross, Joey V and his girlfriend, Charlie, and anyone else I am now forgetting of whose name I did not know. So, until the next update, I am out.

[Suplex] 08.06.01

What Up Traders! Not much news here, I just dropped in to direct your attention to the Link Of The Week, or as it is now, the Links Of The Week. We @ PT.com are getting some lucky Traders hooked up this week! We've got shirts, a jersey, and some posters to follow!!! Hopefully either an old school trader can find a peice of merchandise to finish off their stash or a new trader can get a few items to begin building their stash. Either way, a few lucky Traders will have bragging rights in about a week when these great auctions end.

[TaDow] 08.04.01

What the hell is up? Not a lot here. I just had to drop in, as always, with a small update. Now, it was scheduled that I was going to have some computer problems this week. Well, like J's wrestling retirement, that will be delayed. For you see, I started working on some shit for PT.com, and I didn't want to take my computer into the shop just yet. So expect some freshness in the near future; maybe even sooner than later. One thing will be a News Archives Section, where you can see all the old posts here by me, Tom, and Chris. Well, old as in like, the last two months, but regardless, that will be in full effect later on today. On that note, some Releases Pictures (Audio, Posters, Shirts, Jerseys) may not work for short periods of time over the next few days. So if they do not work, we are in the middle of workin them over and they will be functional shortly thereafter.

Next up, if you haven't heard yet, check out The Psychopathic Web Store and check New Items. They have the newest BMX jerseys, a new White Football jersey, and Bizzar, Psychopathic, and COC Blacklight posters among others. Also check out Milenko500 for the same items.

I would also like to say that we have gotten a nice flux of new traders to the page in the past week. You may not all be up yet, but give us a few days and you will be in full effect. So, until the next update, I am out like Paulina off of Tough Enough.