[TaDow] 12.25.01

Ho Ho Ho... Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. I hope you are having a good holiday break. As you may know, we don't get holidays here at PT. We're always churning the wheels. And thanks to a few people, we've had some pretty significant updates. Special thanks to Insane Ninja, and also to STLJuggalo (of Juggalo-Family.com) for hooking us up with a TON of pics over the past few days. I can't list them all in our little "Recent Additions" section, but I will put up some of the ones that you may want to check out. Speakin of J-F.com, they are having a little contest for you, so you should step over there and check it out forsure.

But yeah, not much else going on really. Just wanted to drop in and thank those guys. It's people like this that keep PT rollin. So until next time, I'm out.

[Suplex] 12.22.01

Whuddup traders. Yeah, I know, I haven't updated the main page in a week or so, 'cuz TaDow has been gettin all the newsworthy information before I can get to it. But I'm here with some news today. As reported by http://www.blazeyadeadhomie.com and http://www.faygoluvers.net, there will be some dope new Blaze merchandise sold nation-wide at Hot Topic pretty soon. Pics of them are available on both sites. Not bad shirts at all, in my opinion. But as we all know, I'm the self-proclaimed Blaze nutswinger, so my opinion is very much biased. What can you do though. I was just at the mall yesterday and I wandered into Hot Topic and didn't see them, so I don't know when they will be shipped off to stores.

In some site news, we have a new logo courtesy of the dead man himself, message board moderator EV1L DEAD. So if you want to show the world you're a legit trader and rep PT.com on your stash page, put this dope new image on your page. Click the pic to make it larger.

And with that, I don't have anything else to say. Have a happy holidays, traders. I'm out like 40 bucks from my wallet when those shirts hit Hot Topic.

[TaDow] 12.21.01

What is up? It's early as FUCK... or late. Whatever. Just got in from the Xmas Party, so lemme lay down what went down in some nut shells. The Free Gifts... kinda weak. You picked different color dice from a stocking, and what color you got, different prize. best prizes were jerseys, but all the ones I saw were small. And I got the Been E Boys, so maybe it was a sweet idea, I'm just bitter. They had some merch.. usual stuff EXCEPT they had Red and Black Zug Izland shirt, and a Zug Hoodie. Here is the red one I picked up. I THINK the Black ones may be different, but I will try and get a pic soon. It also tells us the CD will be called "Cracked Tiles," which was originally going to be the name of J's solo CD. In other merch news... I noticed that Twiztid, Blaze, Anybody Killa, and their crew were wearin the Axe-Mas jerseys, and they had no numbers on the back. Yet the ones sold do.

Anyways... shit is pretty hazy to me, so bare with me here. I think... yeah, Zug Izland opened up (which ended up being at close to 11). They did a pretty short set, but I thought it dominated. Syn was wearin a Zug knit hat, which I want. Anyways... then ICP did a short set which included.. Fuck the World, Assassins, Hey Vato, Tilt a Whirl, uhh... yeah, some other songs. The Juggla I think. Twiztid, Blaze, and all of Psy. were on stage for this... Monoxide looked sick/drunk/stoned as hell. He was sittin the whole set. And Jamie had his hair down, which is kinda weird. Then Alex, Patrick and a new guy Matt (Who will fight in UFC, and... who I would NOT fuck with) tried to sing a song. Didn't work. J then sang a song for Rob, as was promised... I think it was called... fuck, I don't remember, but it's a Zug Izland song.

Alex then took the mic, and said there was a new tradition to be started called the Hatchet Award. This will go to the person who works the hardest every year for Psychopathic. And the first winner was Violent J. he got a plaque and everything. Jesus christ.... lookin at this, it's all in the wrong order. I apologize. Anyways, there was a short break where a LOT of people left. But oh no... Zug hit the stage again, did one of my two favorite songs ( I think it's called Hiroshima) and with Shaggy and Rudy did Chicken Huntin and Assassins. Dominating to say the least, to me.

They also had a kereoke deal, where you could sing anything through the night. I threw down a quick chorus to my boy's song which he was singing over Gin and Juice. Rudy and Pondo sang "I Got Friends in High Places" or whatever.. and both J and Rudy did seperate Pearl Jam songs.

Now for some NEWS - They announced that Jumpsteady's album would be coming out. We knew that. They said an Anybody Killa CD would be coming out soon. Dominant. J also told someone walking around that they were working on getting Eddie Vedder to do a song on The 6th, so I hope that comes true.

Quickly quickly, the props go to... Tom and Rex minus the free beer and driving to Greektown for your tricks, Chris, Steve and the other dude from the GC, Andy, Santa George, the drunk dancing Jeff and Eric, my new homie Matt Nips... and to all the people who I am forgetting, who I purposely forgot, or who I want to strangle, including the FAT kid who was crowd surfing and I almost killed. Anyways, I think that is it. It's almost 5am. Fuck this... I'm out.

[TaDow] 12.20.01

The updates are comin fast and furious. FIRST - More Twiztid auctions for you to take a gander at. Nothing Blaze this time, but 3 pretty sweet items. Also, if you missed it, the big news on ICP.com was... the release of Jumpsteady's Chaos Theory CD. This brings up the questions... what will he really sound like? Will this be old recordings or newer shit? Will this mean a show at the Gathering or a TOUR? Pretty dominant any way you slice it. But yeah, that's it. Check back late Thursday night for my Xmas Party summary. Until then, I'm out like Bill Gramatica's ACL.

[TaDow] 12.19.01

Another update? You know it... make sure you see my earlier post below this, also. Anyways, I always keep you up on the Trading Tip, so here is the news I just learned on the ICP Hotline. As you may or may not know, ICP is wrestling at a benefit show in January. Actually, another bit of news is the addition of more matches. If you haven't seen it, right now we're lookin at ICP vs Tyrus Bagwell/Breyer Wellington, Rude Boy vs Pondo, Tom Dub vs two midgets, Patrick vs Cash Flo, Sabu vs Chuck Hogan, and Leatherface vs Tommy Starr. I think Starr is Chuck Hogan so he'll be pullin double duty... umm, I mean.. this is the REAL Chuck Hogan from Japan/SM2. Or maybe it will be my ice-cream truck-drivin homie Eric. Yeah... anyways, there is the card. Pretty sweet action, actually, as Cash Flo and Wellington are awesome. A Chris Hero vs Hy-Zaya addition would rock.

Regardless... at this show, there will be an AUCTION for some Psychopathic items, such as.. an autographed Hazad shirt from B$H, Blaze and Twiztid jerseys, and a few ICP items. Yeah, that is vague as fuck, but that is what Rudy said on the hotline. Anyways, I left a message asking for a detailed list so people can prepare, as well as if they will only accept cash. If you care, I advise you to do the same. He also talked about the After Party which you need Advanced tickets for, so go get those so you can see... well, I can't tell you what you will see. Just go.

Also.. this just in. I guess we have a hater on the Twiztid Jersey joke, and on the joke earlier about the Blaze Auction. We get these two highly intelligent emails:

"yo ninja dont talk shit bout people you dont know like my homiel who won blaze maskand jersey you wana talk about jinkx in and cursein dont fuck around son ya jherd me cuzz what did you here me cuzzdont fuck around"

"I LOVED ax mass jersey yal dont rep the hachet in the words of doubleA YALL EAT A BOLL OF DICKS"

I mean.. what can you really say to that? I truly feel bad... that the public education system turns out people like this. If you hate, then why do you come to the site? Take the Twiztid joke, take the Auction joke, and take THIS joke I am in the middle of.. laugh, and let it roll off your back. Chill out. If you drop that much money a) on a Blaze item and b) it's for charity, I commend you, 100%. That is very sweet, and I would have done the same if I could have. So yeah... I'm out.

[TaDow] 12.18.01

Holy Balls. That is all I have to say. If you haven't been checking out the Twiztid Auctions, look at these stats:

Twiztid Angel Charm: $500
FreekShow Bat: $800
Freek Show Set Model: $540
Blaze Dark Lotus Jersey/Mask: $1400
Madrox Wheaties Box: $600

Now that is a LOT of money to charity. Props to Blaze Ya Dead Homie for represntin' that auction and bringing in 14 Bills. Also, big props to my main man.. his name birth name is Anthony. I affectionately call him Philly Tony. He won TWO of the auctions. It's always good to see a PT'er getting some good shit. Maybe we'll get some better pics of the items.. or me and Tony will play a little baseball next time I am in town. And the other PT'er that was in on the action... is jinxing the girl who won the Blaze auction. You tried Ryan.

Not much else is goin down really. New Zug track in icp.com. On that tip, FUCK the haters who have a petition going to get Zug off of Psychopathic. Go see them live first, or hear more than two songs before you hate, stupid close-minded assholes. Umm.. FF3 also dropped today, and the Xmas party is this week. So if you are goin, lemme know! If you need to get in, I think I know one or two people who MAY have an extra. One is Santa George... I forget the other person. But if those are indeed open, I will post here. But, until then or after the Party, I'm out like a beer bottle out of the Dawg Pound in Cleveland.

[TaDow] 12.14.01

Yet another quickie update here. First, if you have noticed on the Web Store, there is a "new style" of Hoodie, where the Hatchetmen are Suede, and the lettering is Felt. And they come in 3XL, which may actually fit like a normal XXL, unlike the other hoodies. I don't know the quality, or anything, but there they are. If you get one, let us know how it shapes up.

Next, boom, it finally dropped. The Twiztid.com Auctions! I am not sure if there will be more, after these five go, so you will have to keep an eye out. I forsure have my eye on one, but I may just let it slide. We shall see though. Some pretty sweet items, no doubt. But, I told you this was a quick update, so I'm out like Jeff van Gundy.

[TaDow] 12.13.01

Sup? Not much brewin over here. Just wanted to drop a few things that I meant to the other day, but I forgot. First, much props to Scottie from FaygoLuvers.com for propping our Holiday opening page. It's awesome to see a Big Site that is down with PT, instead of fearing us (no names, please) or who steal from us (different names, but still.. no names, again). Anyways, thanks Scottie.

Next, I am sure you all know that for a while in Murder Dog magazine, there was a Detroit 101 article written by OG PT'er, Count Fetty. Well, in the next issue, I believe, he has a Year End article, and he names us, Psychopathic Traders, the best fan website. Now that is the shit. Huge thanks to Brad for that, When we know when the issue is out, or who is on the cover, we will post it here. But that is it for me.. until I remember something I forgot. So, until then, I'm out like F-Bombs and racial slurs out of Dan Issel's mouth.

[TaDow] 12.11.01

What is goin on? Not much here at all. The Flow of new merch is still streaming in, with the... new Twiztid jersey, the Joker Cards charms, zip-up hoodies, and more. Also, I guess the Twiztid Christmas shirts are supposed to come out soon also, so wait for that.

In other quick news that has nothing to do with anything, the second Zug Island song is on ICP.com along with an Interview with Syn. He mentions Zug will open for Twiztid on their tour next year, so there is some news for ya. Also, he doesn't say the name of the CD, but word has it that it is called Synplicity. You heard it here first... or at RJ. They had it up there too. Anyways...

I hope you all enjoy the new Main Page. It's just a little humor, so hopefully no one gets all bent out of shape on it. But, for now, I am out like Tennessee, Colorado, and Oregon. Gay ass BCS. Peace.

[TaDow] 12.04.01

How's it goin there? It's been pretty busy around these parts with all the new Merch dropping. So, this is where the new tables there on the right come in handy. They get updated... almost everyday, as you may have seen, and you don't have to see me blabber on about shit. So yeah, some sweet shit on the Web Store today, in my opinion. Tight new Blaze shirt and poster, and the ICP posters are pretty sweet also. Posters are something I think Psychopathic has neglected as of late. So props to that, and to the Xmas jersey.... yeah. Anyways...

I know it's 2 weeks late, but I'm gonna spout off here. Through all the work, the haters, the problems with my computer, arguing with Tom and Chris over shit, etc etc, I was just thinking today... that I really enjoy working on this site. Today, looking at all the new Merch, I was like, "This is sweet. I love doin this shit." So, I dunno what that has to do with anything. I'm just sayin that you can be sure I always give 110% to PT, and I appreciate any and all feedback we get.

But that is it from me. Peep ICP.com for the First Zug Island mp3, "The River." That is.. unless you are a hater. Hey Scott! Email me about those flyers, you PT studyin bastard. Anyways, I'mn out like PT and Angelfire have been for like, 6 hours.

[Suplex] 12.02.01

What is up traders? Not a whole lot here. First I'll start with the Twiztid X-Mas Jersies. They have a picture of them, if you haven't already seen it, on Twiztid.com (high bandwidth page, "Dealio" section), and I'll be honest, I don't really like them. Most people have already called them gay, but I'm sure there will be people who love em as well. At this point they are not on sale yet.

The next portion of the update comes from vampyrion@yahoo.com, who let us in on this info: "I went to the Pittsburgh comic con today and they fuckin hooked that shit up phat. First off they were sellin Hallowicked hoodies, the regular Hallowicked shirt and the Hallowicked poster so that was phat, they had a new visor that said Twiztid upside down, a couple new thongs including a fresh one that said Twiztid Pink Fun on it. They had a new Blaze shirt, on the front it has the pic when u first open the case hes like looking downward and says blaze ya dead homie (new style logo like the cd) and the track listings on the back followed by a hatchetman. Spooner said it should be on the webstore within the next two weeks. Also they had mad shit from the gathering like the Pendulum shirts, old Rydas shirts, Burgundy Lotus shirts (with the black cross), Purple Ringmaster shirts, Red AJB knit hats wit cuffs, like 9 different styles of Juggalo vinyl stickers, Dog Beats and Bassment Cutz shirts, White Riddlebox Wicked Clowns shirt, Ringmaster Poster shirt, AJB longsleeve, and a lot of other shit." Well there you have it on that. You heard it here @ PT.com first. Lots of new merch coming at you, and obviously the rarity of the Hallowicked merchandise is slowly declining as the merch is getting sold at Conventions. And as always, anybody who wants to get me that new Blaze shirt in XXL or XXXL will get hooked up phat, but enough with my own personal trading needs. I'm out like our old PT logos.

[TaDow] 12.01.01

What's up? Shit here. Just checkin in, cause it seems like we haven't updated in a while. As you may or may not know, the Xmas party tickets got scooped up with the quickness. But, I guess if you got fucked, they are selling more on the Webstore on.. the 5th I think? Check the webstore for details on that. Also, word about the JCW-type show in the new year is floating around, so check ICP.com for those details.

Merchwise, not much happening. A few people wanting us to drop news about their auctions, sales, etc., so I may do that in the next few days, cause I don't have all of that info in front of me. Also in trading news, Hot Hits has the Twiztid Hatchet Rising shirt for sale for 40 bucks. So if you want that, there ya go. May not be on the webstore, but it's on their wall. They also have some FF3 promo cards/flyers, and 12" x 12" flats on the walls, with posters next week maybe, so if you are into that kinda stuff, be on the look out on ebay.com and such.

That's about it though. Not much going on. We may be doing up a little Holiday color scheme early next week, so be prepared for that. Until then, I'm out.