[TaDow] 12.31.02
Ah, I haven't been updating much because... not much going on. Just the usual behind the scenes stuff... like the "Best of the Rest" from our Xmas contest, which will be up within days.
Whuddup Traders. Just droppin' in to let you all know that the list has been updated and that all prize packages have been sent out. Not much merch news, but the tour is about to start... so yeah. Peace.
Ok traders, it's very late on X-Mas day, and we have contest winners for you! Our top three winners are right here on the news page for you to jock:
Merry X-Mas all! A Quick update from me today. We're going through the contest submissions, we'll have a winner in the next day or so! Peace!
Ah yes, last night was the 5th Annual Xmas Party here in the D. Jumpsteady did a two song set, Chaos Theory and the song with Samantha, which was awesome. I wish his mic was working better, but alas, I like Jumpsteady. Then we got to see V-Sinizter. I can't kay-fabe, ladies and gentlemen.. I was NOT into it at all, as were 95% of the crowd. Maybe he was having an off-night, maybe the acoustics weren't up to par... maybe he's not sweet. I dunno, but regardless, he played, and if you like him, you'll like his show and CD.
I haven't posted in a while, so I figured today I would come in strong. Not a whole lot of trading news... They put up a new Twiztid jersey over @ Hatchetgear.com. Also, I have about 5 traders waiting to be put on the list... I shall get to that soon. If you look @ MP3 sweetness, I threw up Bruce B. You can hear his stuff (which is really good) as well as a ton of Psychopathic music on resident PT'er HolyTerror's radio show entitled The Psychopathic Hour x4. The next show is on December 30th, and it's at 12 Midnight EST. Check out www.cjam.ca to listen to his show live at that time. What else... many props go to ALL PT'ers, our contest is going great and we've got over 100 entries. Good job. Also, Zug Izland is going on their own tour, check out ZugIzland.com for that... With that, I'm about out... I shall leave you with random links: www.pimpinmonkey.com www.realjuggahos.com www.zugsyn.com www.illmitch.com
It's 4PM on Sunday afternoon here in Detroit, and I have gotten a nice little rumor from multiple sources, so... hey, we're Speculation.com here, so here it is. The word from last night's show in Cleveland is that tonight, at 8PM, the Diamond Raining tour will come to the Majestic Theater in Detroit. I've also heard.. that it will be free! Now, there is another lame show scheduled... maybe that is gonna be moved upstairs to the Stick... maybe ICP will be up there. I don't know. But if you're in the D, with nothing to do, it's worth a shot.
It's a late Saturday night, and here I am with a quick update, about nothing really. First up, before I forget, I would like to personally thank FaygoLuvers for adding us to their little List O' Links on their main page. Whoever did that up, you're a-ok in my book.
The season of giving is upon us, and we decided to make the season.. just a tad bit more interesting. So, as you may see, there is a banner above for an Xmas contest. Click that banner for all the rules! Basically, you get to try and design some new Psychopathic merch, and the top three ideas, as judged by us, win some prizes! For all details, check that link! Many props go to Chris for coming up with this idea (even though ICP.com did it months ago... he says he didn't remember, and I believe him!)
It never stops, seriously. Four new hoodies over on the Web Store - Blaze, Twiztid, The Wraith, and the new Psychopathic Fire logo, all in red. They also have the dates set that you have to place orders by to get your items by Christmas, so be sure to check that out.
It's a VERY chilly day here in The D, as my hands are nearly frozen. But that doesn't stop PT from rollin through your town like a Greyhound. First up, HatchetGear.com has been busy over the weekend, with a new Wraith poster, an Esham poster, a pre-order (I assume) on the new Murder Dog, as well as bringing back the JCW 2 poster, as well as a 5 dollar gift certificate. What you can dowith 5 dollars on the Web Store... I am not sure. But it's there.
A Few bits of news. First off, that poster I reported on last week has been speculated to be bootleg. Secondly, we have new Esham tracks from Acid Rain up! Hit it up on MP3 Sweetness! Anybody down with KMK, check out these pictures I snapped from last night's show here. Last but not least, we haven't posted an official Diamonds Raining merch list, because basically, besides the tour shirt and poster, it's all stuff on the webstore. So plan appropriately. That's all I got, and before I end this short but oh-so-sweet update, I will direct you to RealJuggahos.com to go download the V-Sinizter track they have there. If you are like me and didn't attend the MC contest at the GOTJ, you should check it out. It was my first time hearing V, and I can honestly say I dig him. I am excited to hear some more from him soon. Anyways, I'm out. Make sure you check Pete's last two updates for pictures of the Diamonds Raining Tour merch.
Well I'll be. I got my tickets to the Xmas show, and come 8:03, they are sold the FUCK out. Oh yes, if you're checking this, they are gone, for now. Maybe more will be added? Who knows.. doubtful, considering how small the Shelter is. Regardless, I know at least... 4 or 5 people that need tickets, so if you have an extra, please email me and I will get you in touch with them.
Well, there is never downtime at PT, I suppose. Last night kicked off the Diamonds Raining tour, and BOOM! New merch for you, right here, thanks to OakleywJuggalo. In addition to the pictures below, he also says there are the normal array of shirts, jerseys, hoodies, bandanas, audio, and such. The only NEW things not pictured below are an Acid Rain poster, and Wraith keychains and lighters. Newer stuff like the XMas Wraith and ABK Hockey jerseys were also available.
I did come across some sadder news today, and I haven't seen it on any other sites. According to 1wrestling.com, local Indy wrestler Yukon Braxton (real name Jeff Dingus) passed away earlier today. You may remember him from some of the IWF shows that ICP was in, or JCW at the Gathering this year. I always heard if anyone from the area, he'd be the next one to jump to the next level, so this is a pretty big loss.
That's it though.. I hope everyone has a good New Years Eve and such, and no one gets too Moeller'ed out there, and everyone stays safe. So, until next year, I am out.
First Place -- ScelestusUnus@aol.com
All right, I have three picture entries. All of them are BMP, and 331x252. The first one is a Samhein Witch Killaz hockey jersey, the second is a Wraith Hallowicked T-shirt, and the third is a Black Esham hoodie with red patch.
Second Place -- sowen@myrealbox.com
1.) Zug Izland Underwear Line - Women's black panty f. Zug Izland logo over the "hatchet wound" (one size fits most, $20); Women's black panty f. Zug Izland logo and "The Real Wasteland" on the back (one size fits most, $20); Men's black boxer f. Zug Izland logo over left thigh and "The Real Wasteland" over right thigh (one size fits most, $20).
2.) Blaze Ya Dead Workshirt - Speculated as the shirt Blaze was buried in, this red, ultra-high-quality Dickie's workshirt sports the black and white embroidered Hatchetman over the right breast, and a black and white embroidered "Blaze" over the left. From high quality materials, it's a steal at just $60. Available in L, XL, XXL and XXXL, now you can still represent The Dead Man Himself at family gatherings, business meetings and church. Back is blank.
3.) "History" poster line - A series of posters relating to and showing the Hatchet History that we know and love here at Psychopathic.
a.) Hatchet History - A collage of all the artists who have been on Psychoapathic's label over the years, and all the artists we've had collaborations with. A large circled Hatchetman logo would be visible in the background, but mostly covered by various pictures of the artists. $6
b.) ICP History - Retrospective glimpse through the various faces ICP has had over the years. Including a few pictures from each era of ICP's 10+ year history, this would serve almost as a means to see the group mature. $6
c.) Poster History - Since posters are some of ICP's most sought after merch, why not roll them all together? This oversized poster would be COVERED in 2"x3" thumbnails of all the posters ICP has released over the years. They would be side-by-side-by-side, almost like wallpaper. $10
d.) Album History - Similar to the Poster History ... only ... a covershot from every album Psy and ICP have released. In cases of multi-covers, the albums could be combined. Each album would have the release date (or year) beneath it. $10
Third Place -- cmiller@accesscable.net
1.) My first idea is for a sweet ass orange hoodie with the Samhein Witch Killaz logo on the front in white with a black outline. The sleeves will have white hatchetmen surrounded with a black outline just like the front logo. The hoodie will be like all the other normal hoodies but in that pimp ass orange hallowicked type color. Below is the link for the pic.
2.) My second idea is for a Shaggy 2 Dope hockey jersey. Alot of people rock the fuck off t-shirts so a jersey would be ill too. It'd have a red line across the stomach with a white line above and below it with the big Shaggy cartoon pic in the middle givin tha middle finger. The shoulders will have the red pad look and the arms will have the red stripes with the white above and below just like the middle. The neck will be white and the Shaggy logo would be outlined in white too. The sleeves would have the classic red hatchetman with the white outline to match the rest of the jersey and the back would be a big white number 1 with white outline and above that it would say in big bold white and red outlined letters FUCK OFF, just because sometimes you just want everybody to know that they should fuck off.
3.) The third idea is for a Twiztid Mirror Mirror standup, ICP have had like two different standups now and mad store displays but Twiztid haven't got one yet. It would be tight as hell having a lifesize Madrox n Monoxide in your room, it'd be like the old classic poses with the faces panted white tho and they'd be crouching over makin claws with their fingers n lookin evil. It would say TWIZTID in big Mirror Mirror type font at the bottom and below it faded out would be Mirror and Mirror again so its like Mirror regular and Mirror backwards faded out. It'd have a white background because they'd be wearing some pimpass black jerseys or shirts or something rockin two iced out hatchetman charms.
Well there you have it! We want to thank everybody who entered (Over 130 of you!) because we had a ton of really sweet entries. In fact, you can view our honorable mentions very soon, we're working on that page now. Looking back on the contest, I realize that all the winners had pics, but I want to stress they did not win due to their graphics. TaDow and I went through every submission and made a "Top 10" of sorts, and most of the Top 10 did not have pictures, just descriptions. These were just sweet I guess. Anyways, Our first prize winner has already picked that he wants the Twiztid Box, so all we need is sowen@myrealbox.com to contact us and tell us if he wants the ICP Box or the Mystery Box, and then our third place winner will get what is left. This has been a big day for all of us, so me and TaDow want to wish you and yours a safe holiday, and for now I'm out like the Lakers.
They also promoted Steve at the Office from Soldier to Warrior. Then came the waiting... and waiting, and waiting. Much waiting on this night. Finally, ABK did a short, but very cool set, which ended with a song with him, Blaze I believe, Esham, and ICP. Good tune. Straight from there, ICP did up their set of a handful of songs, which I enjoyed greatly.
With some news from the night... they announced that 2 Live Crew will be opening for them on the Shangri-La tour. That is kind of interesting, I suppose. Also, I am not sure how reliable this is... but there was a guy in the crowd, who said that Guido of Zug Izland couldn't continue with the band, and that he was the new bass player. I haven't seen any official word on that, but as a Zug mark, I hope all is well in the Izland camp. And props to Syn for seeing me in my Zug shirt and saying he was "a mark for the fans who were into Zug." Good stuff.
I think that is about all on that front. In PT news, the Xmas Contest is almost over, and we're having a tough time picking some winners so far. But you can still submit those entires! Also, we've been doing the proverbial "behind the scenes" stuff, so it may not look like we're updating here everyday, but stuff is getting done. For instance, I noticed a lot of our merch pictures are really dark, so I am working on lightening them up. Just an example of what goes on in the day of the life of PT. But alas, that is all for now, so, I am out.
Also, in site news, we added a FAQ, which is Frequestly Asked Questions, for you non-nerds. Basically,it's up there because you do not realize how many emails we get about "How do I buy the stuff on your site?" So hopefully, that helps that.
That is it though. If the show goes down tonight, I will be back with details and such. Until then, I am outta here.
*Update* Oh yeah.. absolutely no show tonight. Ah well.. that is why they call is "speculation" and "rumor."
Last night, I was at the Columbus Raining Diamonds show. Despite leaving way later than I wanted to, and the snow on the way home, I got back in one piece. Very very good show, I must say. I didn't notice any new merch that we haven't reported on, so nothing new there. Come the Shangri-La tour.. oh geeze, we're gonna have a lot to update about.
Speaking of updating, the Web Store keeps kicking out the new stuff. Today there is a new style Psychopathic Flaming Logo hockey jersey. I'm going to make an effort to keep up with the new stuff in the "Web Store Section" down on the bottom right there, so if you haven't seen this jersey, check down there for the link. Down where? Down... here! Ah, the old NWO jokes..
*Update* I just added the Esham Poster and Audio sections. Now.. for NOW, we are just doing E. Diddy's PSYCHOPATHIC stuff. PErhaps this is a contridiction because we have HOK Audio up. But, all will work out in time if you stick with us. Out.
We also got an email from longtime PTer Chris the Real Psychopathic about some new Tour merch. He says there is a white pinstriped baseball jersey, with a small blue Wraith on the upper left (Front, I assume), as well as an ABK red baseball hat, the Wraith vinyl, white Fuck Off shirts, and the rest of the regular stuff. I also heard that the Wraith Vinyl is back on the Web Store, along with a new Picture Disc. Crazy indeed.
Um, I think that is it though. I literally just got home, so the new Esham sections are not up yet.. maybe by the time you are reading this. So, until we meet again, out.
And, as I am sure you know, Acid Rain by Esham is out as we speak. I am looking at it right now. We will indeed have some sort of Audio section(s) up for E. Diddy very soon, most likely by tonight if I get home early. So be on the look out.
That's it right now, I believe. So, much like Chris's hopes for the playoffs in fantasy football, I am out.
Next up, last night was the Jam For Jewell Hicks in Mt. Clemens, featuring Twiztid. The Emerald is actually a really cool venue. Anyways, the crowd was very good. Twiztid did their thing, and even played two new songs off of The Green Book, as well as Nosferatu, and the rest of the usual classics. I can't say many positive things, personally, about the two openers, but hey... it was for charity.
I think that is about it. Tomorrow, or tonight actually, Esham's CD drops, so tonight we should really cook up an Esham Audio page. So perhaps I will go get it at midnight, come home, listen to it, and do that up. Also, I will be in Columbus for the Diamonds Raining tour, so if you are going, I will most likely be wearing my Black Zug shirt if you want to toss some love, or hate. Anyways, I am out.
Also, we got some response from our Diamonds Raining merch post. DaFoolish1 emailed us to let us know that the Red ABK and Esham Doctor shirts were different than those sold at Hallowicked, as these now have the new "flaming" Psychopathic logo on the back.
So props on that info. In theory, the value of the others will now go up. We shall see. But, that it is for me, so I will see ya when I see ya.
There you have it.. the hat is much like the Twiztid one on the webstore. The shirt and poster... self explanitory. The Juggalettes Gone Wicked... we are told were given to girls who, err... participated in the filming, and were NOT for sale. There were about ten at this show, and they came in sizes up to 3XL. Also, in non-merch news, I heard Jumpsteady performed, and everyoneelse came onstage to help with songs, like Twiztid on Homies, Blaze for Bitch Slappaz, and Syn and Legs Diamond bellowing choruses. Ah yes... what a tour.
Also, while I am updating, Mr Chris asked me to throw in his two cents, so here it is:
2 Interesting tidbits from tonight's Kottonmouth Kings show from Albuquerque: 1) a metal group called "Mower," who sucks horribly, did a metal version cover of ICP's "Fuck the World." it was interesting. And 2) The venue was handing out flyers for upcoming shows as you exited, they had ICP playing Wednesday, February 19th and Twiztid playing Friday, April 25th. It does not say who is opening for ICP and it does not mention anything about the rumored tour with Bone Thugs for Twiztid. If you live around New Mexico, watch out for dates which should be soon before that or soon after that for Arizona, Texas, and the surrounding area.
So there you have it! Lots of news on the PT front. But that is it for now. Until next time, I am out.