[Brother Chris] 12.30.03

What is up traders? Long time no update from me. Hope everybody had a good holiday. I'm just dropping in to remind everybody that the charity auctions for Jessica Premo will be up on eBay very soon, so keep that in mind, as there is a LOT of great items that will be on there... So start counting your change, and remember it's for a great cause. That's about it from my end, Happy New Year to all.

[Big Pete] 12.24.03

Well well well... this is the slowest week of the year on PT, since the office is on vacation, so no new merch hits the web store. However, as always, we take this time to spruce things up, catch up on some mail, and the like. So that is always a welcome little break.

But, there is plenty of news going around, which you most likely already know. If for some reason this is the only site you come to... that's weird, but it's good to hear! Alas, I implore you to check out RJ.com, RJ.net, and/or Faygoluvers.net to catch up on all of the "He Said, She Said" drama with J, Twiztid, Blaze, Tom Dub, Mike Clark, and everyone else. My opinion on the matter? Meh... I don't think it's a big deal, because this has been building up for a long time. But, it's interesting to sit back and watch.

In other news, the Zug Thug Invasion voting is almost over, as I believe it is being closed on the 31st. So, if you haven't yet voted (for PT!), go click the ol banner above, and do so! Even if you don't vote for us, go make your voice heard. Do it for me... do it for your country... but mostly do it for me!

That is about all for right now. I hope everyone stays safe in the next few days, and I'll "see ya next yeeeear."

[Big Pete] 12.24.03

The clock just turned over, this is officially an early Christmas Eve post. I would first like to wish everyone a Happy "Whatever" that you are celebrating today... Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus... etc etc.

Anyways, Twiztid.com's Auctions just ended, and of course we have it on lockdown. So go over to your left under Auctions, and you should have the Twiztid 2003 option. Congrats to PTer PDizzle on winning BOTH of the Gathering jerseys.

That is pretty much all. I also updated the Backstage Pass section a little, with a few additions and some new pictures. Good stuff indeed. Also, I have gotten more than a few emails about the WOTH Promo CD on ebay, so I will get that up soon also. So, have a safe holiday season, and I am out.

[Big Pete] 12.21.03

Ah yes, a late night update for everyone. First off, I would like to personally thank anyone who voted for us in the ZugThug Invasion deal. If you haven't done so, check it out and vote for whomever you wish.

Next up, I don't think any sites have updated about it yet, so I'll do it. The Psychopathic Xmas party was tonight. If you had a good time, I am very happy for you. Alas, I really am not a fan of the Xmas Parties, as I think I have enjoyed 2 out of 5 I have been to. There is just too much downtime, and not enough action. But maybe I am just no fun, so I'll accept that. Anyways, the "performance" was a short ICP set, which moved right into 2 ABK songs, then 2 Esham songs, Syn/Mike P doing "Fire," and the Juggalo Chant, as I believe the kids are calling it these days. It kinda sucked having 50 people from the crowd onstage, so you couldn't see anything, but what can you do? J also came out later and told a little story about getting into a club during the last tour. That was entertaining. Like a live Weekly Freekly. Also, Netmaster Gordon was made a Psy. Warrior, so congrats go out to him for that.

The show was "hosted" by Rudy, who succeeded in killing about 2 and a half hours while doing nothing. But, one memorable moment was Rudy saying, "We have some special gusts still to come on stage," which brought out a Twiztid chant. The Rude Boy then procedes to say, "I don't see them here. Matt Lethal is here. ABK and Esham are here. ICP is here. I guess Twiztid didn't want to come see their family," which brought up some boos. It was clearly an awkward moment, but one that is pretty memorable to me. Blaze's upcoming update on Twiztid.com should be interesting.

I guess that is it for me. It's 4am, and I need some sleep. So until next time, I am out.

[Big Pete] 12.16.03

Two updates in one day? Crazy. Crazy important! Crazy fun! Crazy Crazy! Whatever... anyways... we've told you about the Zug Izland Message Board before, and you should have already checked it out. If not, now is your reason to do so.

They are having a contest of sorts, where Three different Websites will get a Day with Zug, featuring a day in the studio, including interviews for each site and a chance to review the day's events. And this is where you come in. You've put PT.com over the top in the past for things like the Twiztid.com Interviews, and the "Dot Com" Track on Lotus. And once again, we come to you for help! Vote for PsychopathicTraders.com, and get us in there.. not just for us, but for you! We'll ask your questions. We'll review things you want to know. We're you... you're us... it works well like that. You can vote for up to 3 sites in one "vote," and we urge you to vote for ZugSyn.com and RealJuggalettes.com also. Alas, you don't HAVE to, but we feel that we are the best three choices for you. Click here to see what we have to offer, and how to vote.

In a nutshell here, the Voting is ONLY on the Message Board, and it's in the general forum entitled "Brother Al For President." I dunno when it is over, so get over there and get Rock the Vote. We preach fairness, though, so no cheating, please. I'd rather NOT win than have this be unfair. And hey, even if PT.com doesn't win, and another site does but has no Detroit representitives or wants to share the honor, we have no shame in that. I think, ney, I know we deserve a win, since we've been down with Zug on this site before the Z was in Izland, so hopefully all works out. But if not, no biggie. Vote for who you think is most deserving, and who you think will represent you the best.

That is it though, once again, so I will be seeing everyone later on.

[Big Pete] 12.16.03

TwiztidShop.com Xmas Auctions

It's that time of year, and TwiztidShop.com has their auctions up on ebay as we speak. Right now, there are only 4 items, but I am confident that more will appear soon. So keep checking that out, and give some money to their charities for this holiday season. And if that stuff is too out of reach for you, feel free to donate to my own personal charity with My eBay Auctions.

In other news.... there really isn't much news. We've been adding small stuff here and there as usual, but I am sure you know that if you check back every once and again. So, until next time, I'll see you later.

[Big Pete] 12.07.03

Well, I am back with a quick update because... well, we like to keep stuff moving around these parts. First off, last night was the benefit wrestling show for Erc, aka Roddy Hogan. Not much to talk about... because I thought the wrestling itself was very sub-par for the most part. Aside from seeing American Kickboxer and Necro Butcher, it was unmemorable to me. And Rudy no-showed. That's classic right there, no-showing a charity event. Alas, it was for a good cause, so for that alone it was worth it.

Also last night was Twiztid in Toledo, which I missed for the wrestling show. There were numerous problems, as they kept changing the venue, but it finally all came together. Blaze performed, which is sweet in itself. Also from the show we got word of two new shirts - a Red Chapter 2 Tour shirt, and an Xmas "Yuletide Terror" shirt. We'll have pics up of those ASAP.

But, that is it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I shall see you later.

[Brother Chris] 12.02.03

Alright... This update sucks, for many reasons. A mother, A trader, an active poster on our message board, and a good friend to a lot of people was killed yesterday in a car accident in New York. Many people know her for her work on RealJuggalos.com, and as stated, she was an active trader and poster on our Message Board Community. Jessika K, 21, was killed yesterday on the highway in New York. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family. If you'd like to read more of details on the crash, here is the Times Union Article on the tragedy. Again, our sympathy goes out to her family. Please keep Jessika in your thoughts and prayers.

Some people on the Message Board are trying to set up some sort of Auction for her family. If you are interested, contact Marc, or come to the Board, where there are many discussions about her, and ideas to help her family.

[Big Pete] 12.01.03

It's a chilly Sunday night/Monday morning, not much to talk about. Alas, I spend this time updating ol PT, so I figured I would jump on the news.

First off, you may have noticed that Twiztid.com announced that they will be doing another Charity Auction deal like they did in 2001. Very cool, indeed. That is slated to kick off on the 15th, so save your pennies. Check over to the left under Auctions to see how they did back then. And with those Gathering 02 jerseys.. I would tack on a few bills.

Speaking of charity and rare items, there are some more things for you to purchase, while knowing your money is going to a good place. You may know him as Tom Dub. I know him as 95 Pounds of Ice Cold Ice. Regardless, Tommy is selling two of his prized items, with all proceeds going to charity. He has RIAA Plaques from when both the Great Milenko and Forgotten Freshness went gold. Actually, that may be FF1&2, I dunno... I may have misread the email. Anyways, email Tom and help him raise a little money for charity. Hopefully, we can update you on how much was raised in the near future.

In other... disturbing news... sometimes HatchetGear.com updates, and items slip through the cracks on the New Items list. And here is one of them - Cherry Pie. Seriously... this and the Juggalettes:Objects Appear Larger shirts crack me up... because girls are supposed to wear them, yet they come in 3X and 5X. Ooops. But hey, if you're a large female who needs that... or you're a dude who wants to wear it, more power to you.

I believe that is about it. I have some emails to get to, and some stuff to be updating, so until next time, I shall see you later.