[TaDow] 02.28.02
What is up, people? It's been a rough week here for me, but boom, PT keeps on rollin. First point of business - we get asked a lot about the PSY cd called "Half Way There." Well, it has been officially answered on ICP.com's Axe the Question. Good work to Chris for sendin that in, and to Rudy for the free plug.
What is up traders? Not a whole lot here. As far as merchandise news, the big story is that the ICP Webstore has put up both the Jack and Jake Jeckel jersies with red flames. Now they aren't putting them back up permamently, as the site explains, they were just left over from the Gathering/Comic Conventions. So when they're gone, they're gone.
Whaddup. Been a long time for a front page update, but there isn't much to update about, to be honest. But, as you may or may not know, even without us talking here, stuff gets updated all the time - new traders, new/better pictures, new stuff on the Web Store. And that all is right there... on the right. So don't fret if we're not talking here; PT is always being updated. And the Web Store has been pumping out some more merch as of late, so that always keeps us busy. But hey... I should be updating more stuff, so I'll cut this short. I'm out like Jalen's career in Indy.
Whuddup. Yeah, I know, there have been a lack of updates. But what is there to say? The Mirror/Mirror tour hasn't yet started, and the only real news comming from Psychopathic is the Gathering. Of course, we won't rehash all that news, check out our homies @ Faygoluvers.net or RJ.com for that. No big merch news as of late, but we'll be the first to bring you a M/M Tour merchandise list as soon as that tour starts up in March.
What is goin on? Not a lot here, except for, you know... not being operational for 5 days. That was pretty sweet. And I am sure it will crash again, so if you're reading this... I am surprised. All of this shit SHOULD be straightened out this week, so as always... please stick with us.
What is goin on? Nothin here, but a little server trouble, so that has caused the lack of updates lately on the main page. But there is a lot of news, so let us dive right into it. First off, as always, props to people who send us sweet pictures to use for PT. We recently got some good HOK pictures, and we have a few other nifty pics on the horizon. Speaking of... we also have a new SECTION on the horizon. If you frequent the message board you know what it is. That should drop this week. We'll tell you when it does, and like all of our pther sections, it's not truly ever complete, so we will be asking everyone to submit information that they have to help us grow.
In other, more boring news, I am on Spring Break this week. So.. that either means I will get a LOT done here on PT, or I will sleep all day and not get much done here. I am hoping for the first, but I'd lay odds on the second. I really thought I had a lot of news, but I guess I don't. If I remember anything, I'll come back and edit this. Gathering Info tomorrow at 11 and tickets on sale at NOON. But, I'm out like the Wizards' season.
But the real reason I'm updating is because a trader on our list is on the new ICP.com Phat Or Wack section. His name is Skeptik The Entity, and you can find his two tracks here:
body countz and all trickz, no treatz. So check his shit out and then vote for him on the ICP.com.
In other news, if you e-mailed us about change in e-mails, stash URLs, or names, I did those up today. I'm out like Austin's knee. nWo for life.
Right now I need to talk about a serious subject, the bad traders list. It involves the popular on-line webstore milenko500.com. Now we've gotten a few complaints about them in the past, and we basically turned our backs on them, assuming m500 was legit. But we've been getting more, so we're starting to take a hard look at the evidence. We're not trying to start drama with that site or anything, but the fact is is that myself and TaDow don't run PT.com, the traders do. If they report they've been jacked by anybody, we investigate it. So here's the deal, to all traders who have ever bought from milenko500.com: Tell us what happened! Good or bad, tell us how your transaction(s) went with them, so we can figure out if these complaints we've received are a normal thing that happens every day or one of those "every 100 orders, 1 gets fucked up" type of thing. Peace, and I'm out like the WWF when Scott Hall and the nWo gets ahold of it.
Now, Angelfire picked a pretty sweet week to crap out on us. First up, on ICP.com's Axe the Question, they talked about merch on the upcoming Mirror Mirror Tour, which includes the following speculated items: Twiztid hockey jerseys, football jerseys, t-shirts, knit hats, zippos, hoodies, vinyl stickers, and the actual Mirror Mirror CD (set to be out April 2); Blaze hoodies, a football jersey, two new hockey jerseys, and some new t-shirts. Also, some Anybody Killa merch, including t-shirts, bandanas, and his new CD if it is completed. Also word of a new Zug Izland Football Jersey at the first two weeks of the tour. So boom, some good lookin stuff, and as soon as the tour starts and we get some pics and info, it will be right here.
Also, as you have all heard, the Gathering is set in stone, taking place on July 19-21 in Peoria, IL. There isn't much more info than that, but isn't that all you need for now? It's 102 bucks, so save up, and as always, anything new they announce we will post here.
Well, that's it. There are a few new things on the web store as well that we have to add soon, so look out for that. Hopefully, the next time we update, we'll talk about our new sweet server. So, until then, I'm out.
Next on the Agenda, the Mirror Mirror Tour is about to kick off, and Twiztid.com announced some new merch, for the time being, including - "Twiztid", "Mirror-Mirror", and "East-Side" hoodies, jerseys, shirts, ball caps, knit hats, football jersies, and boxer shorts, as well as some girlie items. Now does that mean those three types will just be hoodies, or will they ne jerseys and such too? Who knows. You gotta get to a shwo to see.. or tune in to PT.com and we'll have the latest info as soon as we get it.
On a sadder note... we all saw the Michigan men Tom Brady and Ty Law tear up the Rams. So to soften the hardship to one of St Louis' finest traders, I am here to tell you that your friend and mine Ryan from juggalo-family.com is trying to make a little money, so he is selling a Hallowicked Box set, and an OG RiddleBox poster. So I urge you to hit him up, tell him it's ok that the Rams lost, and that 14 points was just too big of a spread.
But that's it for now, I think. Being "not endorsed nor denounced," is sweet. Later on.