[Suplex] 02.27.03

Edit #2: We fixed the new Track.... Enjoy!

Every Thursday Afternoooooon. who wanna put up new Blaze mp3's for you bitches and ho's? Ok, that may have been a stretch. However, we have LIVE BLAZE MP3's from the show here in Denver last week! And not only that, but one of the tracks is off the Dead Man's new album, COLTON GRUNDY! Well here they are... As always, right click and save.:

Saturday Afternoon
Dead Body Man
Foo Dang
Maggot Face
Shut Up Bitch [Colton Grundy Track!]

Well that's all I got. If for some reason our server is running slow, we gave copies of these to our partners in crime over at Juggalo-Family.com to help the stress on our server, so hit them up if you need to. Aslo, the list will be updated tonight if you're waiting. Peace!

[Suplex] 02.24.03

ZUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGALOS! What is up. I had the big Zug Izland instore tonight, it was indeed the shit! We got some good pics getting developed tomorrow, and I took some videos! That's right! Suplex Cam Volume 4 is here and ready for your viewing pleasure! There's not much else news-wise coming from the Isle of Zug, so let's get right to it. As always, right click and save as:

Suplex Cam Volume 4 Part 1
Suplex Cam Volume 4 Part 2
Suplex Cam Volume 4 Part 3

They pretty much had all the shirts and jerseys tonight, and gave out 8 x 10 black and white glossy flats. In other news, we've got pics of the new Wraith Tour Book in the 2003 Tour Merch page, so check that link above for that freshness... Cuz that book is quite sweet (and is now available at www.HatchetGear.com).

[TaDow] 02.23.03

The snow is high on the ground of the 313, and here I sit, in the warmness of my house, awaiting No Way Out. But nevertheless, I have some small news bits for all to enjoy. First up, you have probably seen over at Twiztid.com, they mention some merch news. First the promise of the Purple Shows on DVD, as well as Purple Show merchandise, and more, exclusivly on tour. So if you see any of that, hit us up! They also have a picture of two new shirts soon to be available here.

In other news, I got some word from the recent Texas shwo that there is some new merch on the Shangri-La Tour, such as an ABK Hoodie with a cartoon pic of his new facepaint, a Black/Blue Camo Hatchetman shirt, and more. So thanks to Big D, from Big D on that one. Hopefully, pictures shall follow.

I see we have a new LOTM, so check that out. Also, if you are looking for some very, very rare items, I'd get yourself there an eBay account and check out collectableninja and his auctions. Oh yes, good stuff indeed.

We're still behind with updating some stuff, but fear not! It shall all happen. I am still going through about 2 months of email submission and such that I need to do, as well as tour stuff, which always seems to fall through the cracks. Anyways, that is it for me. I shall see you later.

[Suplex] 02.20.03

Just when you thought it was safe to be on the internet... Here I am with my Blaze Run down:

Blaze came out at like 8:15ish, with shadow, played until about 9:30ish. No openers. Played a ton of good songs. I indeed liked the Colton songs he played... However, those are not tour songs, and really shouldn't be played live... A very cool preview though. Blaze played all the old classics, along with dead body man. Merch. New Football & Hockey, as well as tour shirts. All good stuff. The merch was ghetto though. I rolled up when I got in asking for a 3X tour shirt, and the dude (who I later find out is southern crumpet) tells me "to come back later" as if they were getting a shipment in during the show.. However, I came back after Blaze's set and sure enough, they magically had 3X's... I walked away with the tour shirt (Pictured below) and hoodie.

That's the basic deal on that. We shall get more pictures for you soon. We also will have exlcusive live MP3's from last night's show! In other news, the webstore has just been restocked and and I updated the list of traders. Peace.

[TaDow] 02.19.03

What is shakin? Since I am sick as hell, and I know Chris is about to come hard right after me with news, I will try and cram all of my news into a tightly knit report. Speaking of Chris, he called me and let me know that at his Blaze show tonight, there were Tour shirts, as wlel as Football AND Hockey jerseys, with the new Blaze Raiders logo, I assume. Hopefully, we get some pics ASAP.

In other news.. every site nowadays seems to pump you full of news and MP3s of music they like. And we usually try not to, but hey, what the hell. As you may recall, we gave you some MP3s from Detroit rapper White Boy Ric, whose CD had a track with Mike Clark. Anyways, if you were feeling him, he has a new website - www.dirtydub.com. He is also hosting/judging Freestyle Fridays on local radio station Q955. So if you're in the Merto Detroit area, and you enjoy the DWB or freestyle radio shows, your prayers have been answered.

Lot of stuff coming from us... no, seriously! But it's been determined we need to change servers first, for it's useless doing work, then just having to move it. I'm sick, and not really doing much, so that should get done soon. But, that is it for now. Besides, you will nto see this when Chris unloads his update, so you're probably not reading this! With that, like my interest in One Hour Photo's lack of a plot, I am out.

[TaDow] 02.15.03

Much like winning seasons from the Lions, I have been absent for awhile. No good reason.. other than watching Jimmy Kimmel, local concerts and wrestling, apathy for the page due to random and unfounded hate, and overall lethargicness on my part. But otherwise... no real reason! But I am back, and ready to get back into the swing of things. I've had a lot of ideas for new stuff, new stuff to do, moving stuff to the new server... and that shall all pick up the pace ASAP.

On hatchetgear.com, you may have noticed that they restocked seven of the blacklight posters, and they have 3 new hats. That Zug one is mighty fine, if only the S/M could fit my melon. Maybe these will be on the tour...we shall see!

On a good tip... I checked out the website to local shithole, err... venue Harpos, and you may notice two shows for your 313 interest. First is the Blaze/Outlawz Tour on March 14th. Then. .we have an ESHAM show on April 5th. Not sure if that is a tour, or one show. I've also seen a Twiztid/Zug date for Harpos on Pollstar I think.. but nothing on Harpos' site yet. I don't know if any of this is new or old news.... I don't care! I'm giving it to you whether you like it or not!

I think that is all. There are a few people waiting to be put on the List... that should be done soon. I wish you all a great weekend, and I shall see you around.

[Suplex] 02.12.03

ZUGGALO NEWS! See at PT we jump from Zug's dick to Blaze's dick and then back to Zug... what can you do though right? This is real short notice, but I just got this news on AIM from HecKtiC InjEx iT. He says his show was cancelled and they're doing an instore instead:

6PM to 8PM

So Word to all you Chowder Heads getting some Zug autographs! That's all I got, Peace!

[TaDow] 02.08.03

Ah yes... back from C-Town, at home, eating cold pizza, even though I have to get up in 6 hours. But all in the name.... of Blaze, your dead homie and mine! It was quite the trip overall, but I shall spare you the trip to Hardees, the Toledo Toys R Us, and getting lost in Cleveland.

Ok... the opening "act" I guess... was weird. 5 guys.. I dunno if they were seperate groups or one big group.. well, 3 guys were ok, but the other two were terrible. Seriously, you.. the Ian Rotten-lookin motherfucker who was TRYING to rap. If you're reading this.. you should NOT be a rapper. I'm not saying I can do that... but neither can you. Take your mumbling ass and your partner in life, err... crime, and hang it up. The next group was alright... even though dude jumped on me and I socked him. Sorry. Anyways...

First off... someone PLEASE correct us if we are wrong, but I think Lavel was Blaze's hypeman. I mean.. I could be wrong, but that sure looked like The Realist to me. Anyways, Blaze put it down for his hood, my hood, and your hood with such classics as Dead Body Man, Casket, Grave Ain't No Place, and all of your favorites. He also did two NEW tracks, which were not "live," if you will... but any taste of the new Colton Grundy is good. Twiztid was also there to do two songs at the end. Goodshow, overall, I must say. Dude (whose name I do not know) from realjuggalettes.net was right next to me, as was Ross from juggalo-family.com, so pictures will be on those sites ASAP.

Now the merch... my initial words were harsh. The hoodie is alright... but the shirts I was kinda disappointed in. All of this will be put in the Tour Merch page in a few minutes, but everything centered around the new Blaze/Raiders logo, which.. I dunno, rubs me the wrong way right now. Who knows! Maybe one day I shall enjoy it. And that doesn't mean you can't.

I believe that is all. I am off to update the Tour Merch page (which is now done). And JESUS CHRIST, big updates on hatchetgear.com. Those will all be added... Sunday or Monday. I have a big weekend ahead. War new Zug Merch. War be getting less than 5 hours sleep now. Out.

[Suplex] 02.07.03

Yet another short update, but one of MASS importance to my Dead Homies world wide. Blaze's tour kicked off tonight in Ohio, and the man, the myth, the legend, Pete, just called in his road report, so to speak. He said, flat out, the new merch is "horrendous." He said there was a few new shirts, an embroidered shirt, a "Raiders Logo" shirt, and a hoodie. None of them passed the TaDow test, unfortuneatly. Somehow I beleive him. Blaze's sweet logo was the flaming logo... Since then... eh. But we shall see. I will be seeing Blaze on the 19th of this month, so we shall see. That's all I have for right now. I'm sure Big Pete will be on later on tonight to give a more detailed report. Peace.

[TaDow] 02.06.03

Much like Chris below, some short updates. I am sure you have seen the new Twiztid items on the Web Store. If not, check it out. We have the new Black/Green Curlicue Logo shirt, and the Grey Embroidered Curlicue shirt, both straight off the tour.

In other news, we will be changing servers here soon, but that should not be a problem for you, the viewer. If it is, we will warn you ahead of time. Also, tomorrow night I will be in Cleveland for Big Blaze's first show. So, if there is anything sweet, I shall report back ASAP. So until then, later.

[Suplex] 02.06.03

Gah! Another short update. All the list adds were done today, so check out our new trader list below on your right! Peace Zugggggalos.

[Suplex] 02.04.03

Zuggalos! Another day, another peice of Zug news! Now, this was first broken on our message board today. Zug Izland will be touring with Dope. However, when that news was broken, it was taken from a porn site. A little less then credible, obviously. But, being the Denver Zuggalo that I am, I searched Pollstar.com and found out that I have a show of Zug Izland and Dope on May 25th! So I would consider the tour at least semi-confirmed. Of course, we will wait for the officials @ Psychopathic to give us a list of other dates. Peace.

[TaDow] 02.04.03

Ah yes.. not much going on, but I figured I would drop in. As you probably know, the ol Synterview was a success, so scoot on over to ZugSyn.com and check it out. The best questions were the ones submitted by me, of course, so go check that out. The ywill also be putting up the entire Zug set from Hallowicked in the coming days, so be on the lookout for that.. unless we beat them to it!

Also, a few days late.. I attended the Brawl for Braxton, and it was pretty good. Results and pictures can be found at YukonBraxtonMemorial.com. They announced another show in Yukon's memory on February 27th, featuring Rhyno, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, and ICP... although ICP has a show that night in Texas, so we shall see what happens there.

I would also like to mention something that has come across my desk. It seems that some Golden Goldies tapes are floating around, being passed as OG tapes. Well, here is the secret on that - The REAL OG tapes have their sides named (like, how COC tapes have Side Sanity and Side Insanity). If you look closely at the pics we have.... I blurred that out. You can see the crappy PSP7 job I did on it. Now, these fakes.. guess what... don't have the names of the sides! So don't fall for those fakes and think you have an OG.

That's about it. If you are waiting to be put on the list, that should be getting done soon. So, until next time, I am gone.

[Suplex] 02.01.03

Oh yeah, main page was lost. Real sweet. Anyways, in my last update I brought you some mega news, and here it is once again! We've got videos from the Denver after-party! Right click and save as!

After Party Intro
Violent J Freestyle
ICP - We Belong
New ABK Track Feat. Violent J
Violent J - My shine

Who hooks you up? PT Does god damnit!

[TaDow] 02.01.03

Well, it's the first day of February, and we're kickin off the month with a bang. Woke up today, and the News Page was just gone... so that was sweet. Hopefully this is working for everyone. We lost the last few updates, and I think the counter is broken, but not much we can do about that right now. If anything else is wrong, hit me up with an email and it will be fixed tonight.

Tonight is also the Twiztid show in Detroit, so if anyone is going, and you see some different merch, report back to us! I'll be at the Brawl for Yukon with my old man, so if you see me, feel free to say whaddup, as always.

That's it, however. Perhaps Chris will update again if something of his was lost. I don't know. So, until the next time something fucks up and I fix it, which will probably be tonight, I am out.