[PJ Walker] 02.28.04
Hello out there in PT land. I just wanted to come with a quick update. As I said in the last post, I am in the process of changing servers. Alas, it is hard to do when I keep updating here, because I just have to resend everything over. So, there will probably not be updates here for a few days, which includes new merch, pics, Traders on the list, and news. You're all strong... I know you can survive. I shall try to have it done by the middle of next week, and if anything changes, I'll pop up on here.
Hey there, ladies and germs. Just figured I'd check in real quick here. First off, we should be moving to a new server in the next couple of days. I am sure I'll gome it up, and there will be a little down time, perhaps some broken links and such. But I'll try my best, so wish me luck!
[Peter Pablo]
Ah yes, just checking in with a quick update, so that everyone keeps coming back. First of all, as you may or may not know, it seems that a lot of orders from TwiztidShop.com of around $50 or mroe have been getting free, yes free, FrightFest 2003 cds with their stuff. Needless to say, this is pretty sweet. So if you were thinking about ordering something, I'd go for it now.
[Peter Pablo]
It's a sunny day in Detroit, and I come to you with a small update. As you may or may not know, TwiztidShop.com has been doing some serious updating, adding two more Colton Grundy shirts, as well as two new Twiztid Blacklight Posters. You also may notice that there were Month of Mayhem and Green Book: Chapter 2 Backstage Passes in the Novelties section last week, but they are gone now. Well, I ordered from TS.com last week, and got the Green Book one. If you were curious, these are the real deal, not just some "Front Stage" Pass stuff... so if you were one of the few to pick one of these up, consider yourself lucky.
[Peter Gabriel]
Ah yes, this is a redo of the update from last night. TwiztidShop.com has officially put up some new items, such as the two new Blaze shirts, a new Twiztid shirt, and a white/red Twiztid jersey. Be sure to check those out quickly. All items should be up on PT by the end of the weekend.
[Peter Gabriel]
Quick update, filled with lots of info. First of all, HatchetGear.com came out with some new Lotus merch, so you need to go check that out ASAP. That, and a few other new items will all be added here tonight hopefully. Also, if you have good pictures of the new Zug shirts, that would be appreciated. Hopefully the new Colton and Twiztid stuff comes up soon, for a lot of people are anticipating that.
[Pete Diddy]
What is goin down? I just wanted to make a quick post regarding the Traders List. You may or may not have noticed that the number of traders has dipped by a few. This is because I've begun cleaning out the list. Having 500+ people doesn't mean dick if half the people don't want to be on it, don't have working emails, etc. So, if you are on the list, but want to be taken off or have your info updated, please email me. Otherwise, I'm going to start going through and emailing, checking web pages, and cleaning out myself.
[Petey Pab]
The Traders List has been updated with 4 new people, as well as two Listing Corrections. If you've sent us an email in the past, oh, 10-14 days, and you aren't up there, please email me and I'll get you going. Also notice we finally got the List onto our server and off of Angelfire. Hopefully we can handle that. Also notice I keep saying, "us." That's weird.
[Petey Pab]
I got an email from Chris today, stating that he no longer can continue working here on PsychopathicTraders.com, or the Message Board. I believe he deleted his emails and AIMs, so I dunno how you can get a hold of him if neeed, but I'll work on that. So, I wish Chris luck with whatever he pursues, and I thank him for everything he's put into PT.com.
[Big Pete]
It's the day after the SuperBowl, and all New England fans are rejoicing. I am happy about that, alas I am not happy about other things. Namely, my computer being a piece of shit. I've been having some technical difficulty, so I blame my lack of updating lately on that. However, I will attempt to fix all of that very soon.
Thank you for your patience.
Next off, I just got back from Zug in The Clem. Guido coming back to play bass was great, as was Vinnie from Sponge being there for a Zug cover of "Plowed." Good stuff there... a Sponge/Zug tour would open a few doors to ZI nationwide. They also said the new CD was slated to come out in early May, I believe. Good times. Anyways, there was a new shirt, which I should be putting up here in moments, and a new "charm," which was only 10 bucks, as well as the other newer and older merch. Good times on the Izland front indeed.
TNA was good tonight, as I hope Tony gets some real time in the ring. So far, he just looks like an untrained goof, so hopefully he gets to get in there and show what he can do. It's also good to hear Teddy Hart getingt smacked around by CM Punk, so let's hope that was legit and not a work at all. But, that is all for me. So, hopefully o na new server, I shall be seeing you soon.
In other news, there has been a lot of stuff around here at PT that I want to get done, but the first order of business has been cleaning the Traders List. I'm not even half way through it, and I have almost 100 links that are broken, or what I feel to be grossly out-dated. I hope to have that completed by the end of the month, then I will email everyone whose links are suspect, and give it a little bit before I clean them out completely. I'll keep you updated as things come along.
Other than that, not much going on except for me being cold, so I will get going now. Zug show this week in Mt Clemens, so perhaps I will see you there, if you go. Later on.
In other news, Rasheed Wallace is now a Detroit Piston. It's sad to see Zelly Rebraca and Big Bobby Sura go, but we shall see how things turn out. Go Pistons.
That is it for me for right now. I shall see you again later.
That is all. Good day!
I had to renew with our server, which ran out today, so hopefully there is no down time. If there is, it should be VERY minimal. Convenient that I am left alone as fuck on PT when it came time to pay the bill, which is pretty hefty because of our bandwidth and disk space we take up. I may have some sort of money-raising gimmick here soon to help myself with that... perhaps a bake sale, or something.
Regardless, that is about it for me. So I hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day, and it is now time for me to go do some updating. Adios.
That is all for now. Have a good day.
Anyways, that's it for now. More stuff to come soon, I promise.
That being said, please, and I mean please do not email me right now with, "Can I help out?" or "Can I take his place?" That's the last thing I am thinking about right now. If and when that subject becomes a concern to me, this will be the first place I will talk about it.
In other better news, I think my computer problems are almost fixed, which is sweet.. although I keep getting bounced emails from my PT addy, so I probably have one of those email worm bug virus things too, which I need to fix. Just remember that you'll never get an email from our PT addys, so don't even bother opening it.
The Gathering is coming up fast, so check out ICP.com or any other great sites like RJ or FaygoLuvers about that. Also, I haven't talked about hit here, but ICP has been on TNA for three weeks now, so that is good stuff. Again, check the sites like RJ or JuggaloScrubs for videos and such of those. In news related to us, you may have noticed those appear to be Violent Wear jerseys they wore last night, personalized at that, so maybe those are soon to come out for the masses.
Anyways, I think that is it. I will be updating the Traders List here tonight or tomorrow with everyone I have in my box. When I do that, if you got left off, please let me know. But that's not for another day or so. I'm also going to try and move those files, so hopefully that works. Regardless, I'm done. Smell ya later.
In happier news, I am sure you've gone over to the new Colton Grundy site, as it is open. There's a deal where the first 300 people to email in get a free CD. However, as of right now, all emails I know of have bounced, meaning the addy isn't up and running, even if you correct the spelling. So, hopefully that gets fixed quickly.
There was also some pics of new Grundy merch on Twiztid.com. Hopefully those get up on TwiztidShop.com soon. Other than that though, not much shaking. So, hopefully I get things straightened out here soon, and all will be well in the world. I'm out.
or me! So I'm off to either do that, or procrastinate and do something else instead. So I shall see you all later on.