[TaDow] 01.28.02

What is goin on? Nothin much on our end. This past weekend was the big IWF show here in Detroit, as as always, it did not disappoint. Probably the best show, top to bottom, that the IWF has put out. I did take some pictures of Rude Boy vs Mean Mitch Page and Vampiro vs Breyer Wellington, and those should be posted soon on The Rude Boy's Website. So go check those out if you wish.

On some site news, things have been a little slow, so not much to report on. We have gotten a few people sending in pictures during the past few days, so those should be up soon. If we forget to give you your props, let us know, and we will be glad to fix our mistake. But that is about it for me I think. So, until next time, I'm out like Kordell Stewart's heart.

[Suplex] 01.26.02

Whuddup Traders! Not a whole lot here, school has kept me busy this past week. I had like 15 e-mails sitting in my inbox, but the page has been updated and anybody who mailed me got what they needed. We added 7 new traders to make the list 301 people deep, and we've again added some info to the bad traders list. Just checking in so everybody knows what's up on our end. Peace.

[Suplex] 01.21.02

Whuddup Juggalos. Not a whole lot of news in terms of merchandise right now, and I won't rehash the news that our homies over at Faygoluvers or RJ have already laid down about Violent J's epic letter. I'm mainly updating right now about the bad traders section, which I updated today. We now have put Craig Smith on it, otherwise known as the owner of the crazymusic4u store. Numerous people have sent him money, and he has sent them nothing, or if he sent them anything, it wasn't the right item or some shit like that. A personal friend who recently traded with him has gotten nothing in 4 monthes, and it doesn't look like he'll be getting anything ever. So his info is on the Bad Traders list, so check that out and watch out for this guy. Until next time, I'm out like the Undertaker. It's Maven's yard now.

[TaDow] 01.20.02

What is going on? Not much here.. sorry for the lack of updates, but not much really going on for us to comment on. Plus, I just got back in the swing of school, etc etc.. shit you don't care about. Anyways, I do have a few things to talk about. There are a few new items on the Web Store in the form of different hoodies for the new Hatchet Gear. So check that out. Speaking of... now that shit is straight on my end, it's time to start up with more Misc. sections. So check back tomorrow or Tuesday and you can help us decide what you want to see next. Stay tuned.

I'd also like to quickly say that I will be at the IWF show in Dearborn next Friday. NOT because Psychopathic is in the house, but because I go every month. So if you have a chance to go, and you are a WRESTLING FAN, I advise you do so. This is seriously one of the best Indy shows I think you will ever see. Scheduled is Mad Man Pondo vs Corp. Robinson, Necro Butcher/Tommy Starr vs 2Tuff Tony/Cash Flo, Chris Hero vs Gutter, Classic Colt Cabana vs CM Punk, Breyer Wellington will take the JCW Title from the guy people will cheer because is down with ICP, Rude Buy vs the other half of the MMP - Mean Mitch Page, and more! (Hopefully we'll see some Prime Time Damon Starr and Loverboy Steve in action, and god forbid the Steve Nixon Corner.) So yeah, whooooo! It's gonna be sweet. Reggie better hold down our seats in the front.

I'd also like to give props to Real Juggalettes.net for the interview with Syn. Dammit, I wanted to be the first to do that, but I was lazy. But I submitted some questions that got used, so it's all good. So check that out, Zuggalos. And until the next update, I'm out like the Incomplete Pass, not the fumble, out of Tom Brady's hands.

[TaDow] 01.15.02

Sup Zuggalos? Ain't shit here. Just dropping to say a few things. First, I am sure you have all seen, that the Mirror Mirror Tour has already changed... and now instead of Zug, Anybody Killa will be opening with a solo set, and BLAZE will also be performing. I guess AK's CD will be available at the tour also, so that is cool. As for Zug, they will be making appearances at some shows, so I hope for your sake they come to your town.

Next up, I just wanted to let you know that we changed up a part of the site that you may not go to, but it may make thinsg easier for you. When you enter the site, you have your IE or Netscape choice. Well, we redid the Netscape Left side, so it's way easier to navigate. But even if you have IE, you can still check that out.

On another note of things we don't usually do, but hey... why not. If you know the former ICP.com webmaster, you know he is sellin some of his shit. So check out his site here and help the Noodle Nugget out.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who came here to Download Black Majik. Props to FaygoLuvers for running our link up on their site not only now, but for all the times they do it. Also, I was surprised how many people emailed us to thank us for doin that. So that was very cool. This was just the beginning... now that we can do it, we may be hitting it up with MP3s on a regular basis. We'll see. But that's it for now, so I am out.

[TaDow] 01.13.02

What is up PTers? I got a quick bit of news that comes on top of anything else I had to say. I came to school and got my Black Majik CD in the mail. So BOOM! I am gonna hook it up for you all to hear. I am SURE it will crash our account, but it's all good I guess. If it does, I will try and fix everything. So here it is, give it a listen and see what you think. It also may not even work. So we shall see, This is a first for PT, so stay with us and keep the faith.

Twiztid - Wrong With Me

Well there is the pic for ya also. It came in a blank CD case, and it was not sealed. So yeah, there it is. I heard it works, so that is sweet. I hope you all enjoy and I am out like Shaq's temper against the Bulls.

[TaDow] 01.10.02

Happy Birthday to PT. Ahhhhh yes, it's been four long years, and we're still here. Other sites come and go, sites try and steal shit, people hate... but we're still here. Good deal. WE have done it. Not me, not Suplex.. not JackJeckyl.. everyone who is, was, and will be on this page has kept it alive and thriving. So props to the traders, the people who take pictures, the other sites who are down with us, and anyone else who respects us.

I have had... hundreds of people ask me since Suplex's update (well, maybe one person, but still) about the status of Tom/RedHatchetman. Well, here you go. He took this page for at least 6-8 months back in early 99 I would say. He had computer trouble all the time, and he moved, so I came aboard to help on a permanent basis. Since then, Tom has been back and forth, having AOL and not, but we always stuck with it. But it may be the time that he steps down. This isn't for sure... if it is, he will have one last update. But that is the speculation.

In happier news.. for those of you who have seen the Twiztid dates and wondered why they aren't hitting you.. BOOM! I somehow got on a mailing list for the group Wolfpac, who is rumored to open a few shows for Twiztid. Anyways, they still say they are opening 4 shows, and some are for dates not on Ticketmaster.com. So here are the POSSIBLE Twiztid dates with Wolfpac opening:

03/26/02 M (Formerly Metropol) Pittsburgh PA
03/29/02 The Palladium Worcester MA
04/02/02 The Trocadero Philadelphia PA
04/03/02 The Showplace Theatre Buffalo NY

So if Wolfpac is there or not... word to the Philly and Massachusettes Juggalos, some of my favorite people... you may have some shows here. Crazy, but I MAY try and get up to Worcester. We shall see. But yeah, there it is. Here is to four more years for PT.com, and I am out like the candles on PT's birthday cake.

[Suplex] 01.10.02

Happy Birthday PT.com! That's right traders, it is PT.com's 4th Birthday. This page was created on this day in 1998, and to celebrate it we've added a new aspect to the traders list; we've seperated the list by State! On the left you will see two links now, one to the traders list in alphabetical order, and the second list (with the same people) broken up by State, making it easier for Traders to find other traders close to them. We hope it's useful to them. Anyways, Just had to drop in and say a few words, I'm out like the Red Hatchetman.

[TaDow] 01.09.02

What is up? It's a beautiful, grey, 35 degree day here in the D, so I figured I would update for.. no particular reason. Some big stuff happening, actually, so I figured I would jump on and let my voice be heard. First up, the Web Store is having a new deal where they will have an Item Of the Week, which will be for sale for 7 days. This week - the Gold Blaze football jersey is 90 bucks. It's only 10 off, but shit, I may do it. Good work, Psychopathic.

In.. less spectacular news, they also have a new... Jersey I guess we will call it. From what I gathered, it's basketball jersey material, has long sleeves, and a hood. If anyone gets one, let us know what it's all about. I guess we will be putting those under Jerseys when we get some time, and maybe better pictures. Also new are the Fuck Off charms. Yeah...

I think that is about it. There is a lot of stuff goin on with Psychopathic lately - the new Zug Hotline, JCW and Twiztid tour news, new features on the websites. I'm glad to see everyone else pickin up the pace in this half year before the Gathering instead of coasting while ICP makes the new CD. And as always, if you wanna keep up with all of that news, check RJ and FaygoLuvers, cause we don't front and try to compete. So until nect time, I'm out like TJ Duckett's NCAA career.

[TaDow] 01.06.02

Greetings and Salutations. My first update of the new year, and it's a disappointing one. Last night was the Big Time Wrestling/JCW Charity event. I haven't checked any other sites for their updates yet, so this may be old, stale, or incomplete news. It was a pretty good show, actually, with some good local talent, a really good crowd, a Sabu who was trying, and hot dogs that made me not feel well. But it was all for a good cause. They told ME I couldn't bring my camera in, but I saw dozens of cameras in there. I know that Hardcore Mike over at Real Juggalos got some good pictures, so if he hasn't put them up yet, go check that out forsure.

What was also a little beat was the notion of the "after-party" which sounded to us like just hanging out at the bar, so we skipped. Our luck, we missed a sweet show, but it's all good. We still had a good time after the show. Much props to the Front Row Thugs on our side of the ring, cause without Angie and her hot cocoa, Rex, Brandon, Prime Time Reggie Reg and the rest, the wait in line in the snow and the show would not have been as fun. Also, for people who were wondering, there was not an auction, but a raffle for such prizes as a Blaze jersey, a Twiztid jersey, an auto'ed Alex/Hazad shirt, Twiztid beenie, BMH DVD, and.. I think that was it. Also, no merch booth.

In site news, we've gotten a lot of new shit to put up in the form of pictures and info. But lucky me, I am going back to school tomorrow, so I will have another 4 months of boredom to continually update pictures and such as we get them in. So look for even more updates starting this week. Also, if you just recently have emailed us to be added to the Traders List, there may be a slight delay on being up, because we are working on some new sweetness for the Traders List, so be patient.But that is about it. I'm out like Cash Flo who no-showed, yet worked the IWA Mid-South show the same night.

[Suplex] 01.02.02

Ah the first update of the new year. Hope everybody had a great New Year's Eve party, as I did. I was in New Orleans and the shit was crazy. Even saw a ninja with a shirt on (can't remember which one) and a red VW Beetle with a large vinyl Hatchetman sticker on the rear window. Very cool. Not much else to say in terms of news, except that PT.com's 4th Birthday is coming up in a week, and just a reminder: that tour news floating around last week was all false. I know, it's sucks, I about nutted my pants when I read it, but what can you do? I'm sure the next tour (whoever does it) will be dope anyways. I'm out.