[TaDow] 07.29.02
You asked for it. We give it to you. The Gathering 2002 Auctions page. Check it out over to your left under auctions or just click here. That's it though.
Still no real news on my end, but a few tidbits I have to drop:
Whuddup Juggalos. I'm here for my first post-GOTJ update. You know me as Suplex, but can now refer to me as "The Guy Who Spent $550 On The Service Of A Man." Anyways, you all know I won the Syn auction, so this is the last time I'll speak on it. Just wanted to drop in and post that the list has been updated, I know there were six guys waiting. So you're on.
Quick update, and oh ya, it's about merch. First up, if you haven't been to your local mall, there is a lot of new stuff for you to pick up. Today we added the new AJB Hoodie, the AJB Dice Shirt and a new Rydas shirt, all that can be found at a Hot Topic near you! Props on those pics go to our OFFICIAL Mall Rat Mitch. You may know him as Mitchell the Bitchell, the Fetus Eater, or JD The Weedman's biggest jocker. But to me, he's the main man at the mall. Even though there is anew Twiztid shirt at the mall he hasn't gotten me a picture of! But he bought me Dip N Dots, so I forgive him... for now.
I'm kinda pissed, so here we go. I see on all these ICP pages about Myzery being an ALLEGED rapist. That is some straight up BULLSHIT. I know more than one person who hung out with him every single night of this years Gathering, and they all guarantee than he did nothing that these "stories" floating around say he did. People are just making them up to get back at him for his diss on Twiztid. Hell, one guy that I know got accused himself, just because he was SEEN with Myzery. Way to ruin peoples lives with lies, just because he dissed your favorite band.
That's real mature. Everyone who knows me knows where I stand.. so I won't even get into that. And dammit, I am not condoning luring girls into those types of situations. I also apologize if this indeed did happen... because obviously that is fucked up, and guys who do that should be castrated with a hot rubber band. But from my perspective, I believe my boys who saw him do nothing over "stories" from his haters.
Jesus H Christ, what a day of updating, and we are nowhere NEAR done. Well, maybe we are. If you look down and to the right you will see all of the new Merch we have added to PT so far. Lookin like 8 new shirts, a few jerseys, CDs and the Gathering poster so far - with more to come. Off the top of my head, we still need the Pendulum Book/CD, Jumpsteady's CD, and the Twiztid Gathering Jerseys... oh, and the Gathering Jerseys themselves, along with Blaze's new jerseys. Maybe others... shit, I can't think. It's 3AM.
Oh yes, post Gathering update #1. Now you all know that this is the biggest and busiest week or two for us at PT, but it's great nonetheless. There was not as much new merch as in years past, but still some quality items that were sold, and we will try and have them all up ASAP.
Hey, just a quick new item that I ran across, and I don't knwo if any other sites have picked it up. On 101.1 WRIF, they promoted the Tommy Lee/Zug Izland show here in August.. which, they actually do about every hour, so that is cool. Anyways, today she said that ICP would be there signing autographs. I don't know if this will be inside, outside.. or if it's even official. But if you are gonna check Zug out, bring something for ICP to sign just in case.
Another day, another update... and a day closer to the Gathering. Dominant. We hope to see you all there, if we haven't stated that already. I look forward to talking to anyone who wants to talk to me about anything. So yes, it shall be excellent.
Ah, the late night/early morning update. Gotta love it. Well, the important thing is... that the Zippos section is nearly done. Yes, I am slacking. But, I have all of the pictures and values up, just not the Comments and no fancy top graphic. So hey, if you want to, check that out: PT's Zippos. I would normally not post it until it is finished, but I admittedly do not know mych about the Zippos. So, I ask you, if you do.. check it out, and get back to us with comments on if you think values are wrong, if you know of others, if you know when/where some were available, and that good stuff. Any and ALL comments are welcome.
Wow, big day around these parts. First off, the Zug single for "Fire" was to come out today, although the hell if I could find it here in the D. But, it's now on the Web Store. Hell, have you seen the Web Store? They also have ABK and Juggalo silver charms, and pre-orders for the Hatchet History and the Pendulum Novel, which appears to be 14 comics, and an 11 track CD (I assume without the 3 Rydas songs). Not a bad day for the Web Store.
Ok, 2 days ago I broke the story about the guy who was trying to sell Bass-Ment Cuts & Party At The Top Of The Hill Tapes. Well today I got a great little E-Mail in my box, and here it is, from the rip off himself (bonzbig@hotmail.com):
What is up? Nothin here, as usual. First up, the Zippos page is coing along very nicely. We have almost all of the pictures that I think we will need. In the next two days, that should be up for your viewing pleasure.
Whuddup Traders. Funny how shit works. I hadn't updated in a couple weeks, then boom, 2 in very short time span. Ok, this update may be a little hard to follow, but I will try my best to keep it clear.
Whuddup traders. No updates in a while for me, and I apologize. I've been slacking. But I've got some good news for you people who can't order off the webstore and don't have any shows coming your way: There is a new Twiztid shirt in Hot Topic! PT'er twiztid40@hotmail.com just sent us this e-mail:
Well, the time has come.. and by TWO votes, Zippos is going to be your next section on PT. Now, do not fear... everything will eventually be up; it's not like the other choices will disappear forever. But Zippos won it out on the last day and pulled ahead. I was also pleased that Backstage Passes and Flyers made a good comeback and made a run at Hats and Zippos. So expect Zippos this coming week in its beginning forms. We'll need some help, so I will post about that in a few days.
Happy 4th of July for all the American PTers out there. Just dropping in for some quick news. As you may have heard, the Mirror Mirror Tour is now over. What is odd, though, is that some new merch came out in the last week of the tour. There is a new "Don't Get High" shirt that we already have up in the Twiztid shirts section, a basketball jersey, and a "front stage" Pass. Props to Ryan for this news, and I am sure he will have all of his stories about the show on Juggalo-Family.com, so keep an eye on that.
Quick update today, I promise. Well, we've actually gotten a slight pick up in the votes for new section on PT, so what the hey.. I am extending the deadline. When the deadline did roll around, it was dead tied, and the next few votes were for other choices. So, here's what we shall do. Friday night at midnight will be the final deadline, and a winner will be determined. Remember, email us at poll@psychopathictraders.com with your vote. And jesus christ, only vote once. We got 12 votes from the same email addy today. So word, hit that up if you have not already. And with that... later.
1) A good friend of mine, Kerry, needs one of the new Twiztid charms sold at the Gathering. They were sold for $70, she will pay $90 for one... Nice little profit for somebody. Hit me up and I'll give you her screen name and y'all can get it all worked out.
2) If you have any Zug Izland pics, or more specifically Syn pics, send them to the best Zug Izland page on the net, ZugSyn.com. You can e-mail them to: ZugSynDotCom@aol.com. That's about it for now. Damn me and my short updates.
Not a whole bunch of news today, but keep an eye on the webstore, because very few items sold out, so there should be a flood soon. Get your credit cards ready. I'm out like the pizza from Hoops. Damn that was good stuff.
We also have some Gathering merch ready to be put up like the new ABK Football, Blaze Baseball, and the Twiztid Gathering jerseys. So, although we may not say it here, check down there to the right.. and you will see what has been added. It's just that simple!
Also, for those of you wondering, last night at IWF, Sabu retained his title against Necro Butcher and Yukon Bitchton, the Lynch Mob won the tag straps finally, and American Kickboxer is sweet as fuck. My homie Prime Time Damon Starr did the job, but he still rules. No ICP/Vampiro... maybe next show.
Also, tonight is the CD Release party for White Boy Ric in Royal Oak, and we all know MEC is on his shit, so if you're a Detroit music fan, check that CD out. He's gonna blow up. Don't sleep! So hey, until the next update, peace.
On a brighter note... I did up my Gathering review, and that is up top there. So enjoy that if you wish. Also, tonight (Friday) is the IWF in Hamtramck. It will be a DVD taping for national release, and will feature such stars as Sabu, Necro Butcher, the Lynch Mob, the SAT, Chris Hero, and more. I'll be there, so... you should be to, or something. Or, on Friday White Boy Ric is having an instore at Hot Hits, and on Saturday will be his CD Release party at the Royal Oak Music Theater. Remember, MEC is on the CD, and may even be in the house. So.. yeah. Peace.
So word, if you have stuff we need, please hook it up! And if not, just sit back and enjoy the news at it flows in. Especially that Twiztid Collage shirt, which.. oh yeah, we reported about months ago. Add that to the "You heard it here first" file.
Anyways, look for my personal Gathering Update tomorrow maybe, along with a few surprises. So, until that time, like Bubba Sparxxx after 2 songs, I am indeed out.
Also, to cut down on all of our personal stuff here, me and Chris will post out own personal stories, experiences, etc on seperate pages and link them up, so you can get a "first hand feel" to our weekends. Some good stories, I guarantee.
But hey, that is all I had for now. I shall join the jocking and tell you all that if you haven't been to Juggalo-Family.com, then you are missing out on the best Gathering pictures on the Net. So check that out, and until my next update, later on.
Yup, that was quick. Out.
Anyways, we finally finished up the Zippos section, and that can be found over to your left under Misc., perhaps after a Right Click - Refresh. Again, I admit I don't know what the deal is with Zippos, so if you do, feel free to email us and tell us where we went wrong on something.
More news, if you didn't see ICP.com, Zug Izland is opening for wild man Tommy Lee here in Detroit in August. There was a presale for tickets during the week, and the rest go on sale to the public on Saturday morning. I bet a lot of you will write this off, but once you see Zug live in Peoria, you'll be hooked and you'll be here at Freedom Hill. And if you're not, oh well. More seats for the Zuggalos.
Speaking of the Gathering... it was announced that Danzig was going to be the mystery guest. Well, he played a show tonight in Detroit, and some PTers saw him after the show and asked about it... to which he said, and I think I quote, "That is a load of bullshit." Maybe he's playing it up to still be a surprise... maybe two acts replaced Kittie because Danzig may not be there. Who knows! But you heard it here first.
That is it for me though. Don't look now, but there may be another new section by the Gathering. We'll see how things go. Until then... I am out like Tom Leykis on my local radio station.
Next up, if you mosey on over to Juggalo-Family.com, they have a Gathering 2002 Scavanger Hunt. Oh yes, it looks very cool. There are even some PT related pictures to be taken. So if you need something to do during the Gathering, and you want a sweet prize, check that out. I believe they will also have flyers at the event, so you can pick one up there. On the web site note, also be sure to check out ZugNation.com. Yes, they dropped the hyphen, changed the layout, and are setting the Zuggalo world on Fire.
But, this ends another quality update. So, until next time, I'm out like a warrant out for AI's arrest.
So, hey, that is pretty big. If you're not going to the Gathering, that is a perfect way for you to get your merch. I should be updating tonight or tomorrow with the Zippos section, so look out for that. Until then... later on.
"take my info down and say i am legit and i'll give 30% that fucker adidas581 is a loser and if you take my deal tell adidas that i am a mobster and he better tell everybody i am legit"
That pretty much tells his story. He thought that I might be corrupt, and of course what he did was basically admit he was going to in fact rip people off. The part about adidas581, is that he is the guy who gave us the rip off's address, and the rip off tried to convince him he was a mobster and was going to kill him... but of course he didn't buy it. Anyways, just wanted to make sure if there were any doubts in anybodies mind that this guy might be legit those thoughts are gone. This kid WILL rip you off. Peace.
But, for your pleasure right now, how about some Zug Izland? How about... some live Zug from tonight's show on WRIF? Oh yes, right over there to your right is a link for Prison Song, performed live tonight, as well as Just a Dream, which has been floating around, but this cut is PERFECT. Props to Board member Monoxide187 for the live hookup, even though the volume on it isn't as high as it could be. Not much talking from Zug, but the live performance, and the playing of the new single Fire were the highlights. I am sure MP3s of the entire deal will be up soon elsewhere, so check yoru favorite Zuggalo site in the next few days.
But, that is it for me once again. So I will catch you all later.
A couple monthes ago, long time PT'er Dark Ryda came to me telling me how some kid E-Mailed him out of the blue wanting to sell him Bass-Ment Cuts and Party At The Top Of The Hill tapes. Of course Dark Ryda knew that the chances of the kid having them were about 1 in a trillion, so he came to me about it. I decided to E-Mail the guy pretending to want the tapes to see if I could get some information out of him. I E-Mailed him asking for pics, and he told me the same story he gave Dark Ryda that his digital camera wasn't working. How convenient. Anyways, 3 or 4 days later I find an E-Mail in my box saying the cam was working, and I would have pics soon. Sweet. Fast Forward about 4 months. I haven't heard a thing from the guy. Assuming I had heard the last of him, I forget he even existed.
Until last week. He Sent Dark Ryda a "pic" of his Bass-Ment Cuts tape. Of course there was no pic of the Party At The Top Of The Hill tape. Well, Dark Ryda passed along the pic to me, and you can tell it's a bootleg. Reason Being is that in the picture the light reflects off a piece of plastic, which would lead one to beleive it's sealed. SEALED! Of course, he also takes the "pic" of the tape closed inside the case, which means he could have taken a pic of the CD version, resized it, and made it fit into a box shaped like a cassette case.
Now yesterday he E-Mails me out of the blue again, asking if I still want the tapes, and of course I reply that I wanted to see pics. I get his reply to that, and i'm quoting here, "just buy it." Well that was the last straw. And of course here I am. Posting this for all the traders to see so you won't get ripped off. Another PT'er forwarded me some other info he had dug up (I guess he did the same thing as me, he acted like he wanted them to get some info on him), and here is that info:
E-Mail: bonzbig@hotmail.com
Johnny Bigger
2106 N Colson
Muncie, IN 47304
And there you have it. I'm sure this guy will make about 5 dozen different E-Mails, so keep this addy on file. Or just remember that NOBODY has these items. There is One BC Tape, and the oldest man in the Trading Game has it, and that is Count Fetty. There are no other BC tapes out there, and there are certainly no Party At the Top of the hill tapes either. Peace.
hey guys my name is Brennan and I am a long time juggalo from cleveland! well, just thought I would e-mail you right quick cause' I just stopped in hot topic. The lady showed me a NEW Twiztid shirt (kind of like the " up close" Mirror Mirror) with Mirror Miror on the back so juggalos should check that new shit out. Also she told me they were going to buy straight from Psychopathic now-we are especially talking Hoodies, Shirts-and Maybe she said-jerseys. This of course is all speculation but she is a manager there so I don't know how true it is, just thought I would let juggalos know about a possible future of some Psy merch.
So there ya go. No credit card? No Tour stop? No Problem! Hopefully Hot Topic will work something out with Psychopathic so everybody can get hooked up. Well, that's all the news from my end. If anybody is looking to buy jersies or shirts, be sure to hit me up. And with that, I'm out like JT.com. You know who you are.
Next up, I have been meaning to post about this, but I always forget. We have a new PTer making a new site, so I ask you all to check out SuperNinjas.tk. It's just starting, but they appear to be on the ball and headed towards some good stuff.
And lastly, we keep getting emails about this.... Spensers Gifts have a new AJB shirt now available, but no one can come up with a picture. So if anyone has one, we'd like to see it. Spensers also has the new Bobbleheads, which we will have to add soon.
That is it though. So until the next update, I will smell you later.
I'd also like to give a word of caution out to the Traders. There is a fine local store here in the D that shall remain nameless, but it often resorts to selling bootlegged crap. Anyways, they have been selling bootlegged b/w COC Flats.You can easily tell the difference because of the size, gloss, and cardboard it's printed on. It's cool if you don't care if what you have is OG and just want it cause they are cool.. but if you see them floating around online, don't pay a lot for them.
I think that is it. I'll be back on Friday night to update with what section won our poll. And until then, I am out.