[Mr. Pete] 06.28.05

Ah yes.. just a quick update/reminder. Tomorrow is the Twiztid in-store at the Sportsrock Store in Livonia Mall, which is on 7 Mile and Middlebelt Rd. It starts at 4, which by Psychopathic time will probably be closer to 5. They are also raffling off two Man's Myth banners, so check it out.

Also, I noticed some weird Gathering 2005 shirts at Hot Topic, so hey... even if you're not camping out under the stars this year, you can still get the Mall Merch that says you did.

That's it... smell ya later.

[Mr. Pete] 06.21.05

Good afternoon, one and all. Not much going on, but there is a little Gathering news that is related to the PT World, so I figured I'd drop it in here.

The Gathering website has updated with a list of all of the Raffle Prizes. This is something they haven't helped us out with i na few years, which si why I'm a few years behind on Gathering auctions/raffles. Anyhoo, there is some pretty decent stuff there, such as FrightFest boxes, some nice vinyl banners, costumes, posters, and the linke. So save up your dollars and enter that raffle.

There is also rumors of a Twiztid In-Store appearance on June 29th, 4pm, at the SportsRock store in Livonia Mall, here in the Detroit area. If you are in the area, check it out.

I told you not much was going on. I shall return at another time in the future with even more updates!

[Mr. Pete] 06.19.05

What is really goin on? Not a damn thing here at 9am, but I am am updating fool. I added some people to the Traders List which is always good. I aslo put up the new merch from HatchetGear.com, which was Twiztid shirts, and ABK's newest shirts and jerseys. I also have had up last weeks web store goodies, so if you didn't see those, I dunno where you have been.

In other news, Zug Izland played HarleyFest last night, and it was an interesting show to say the least. HarleyFest is always funny times. I did notice two new (to me) Zug shirts, so if anyone ever gets pictures of them that would be coolio.

That is all for now. I shall go back to updating random stuff.

[Mr. Pete] 06.08.05

As I am sure you have seen, juggalo.com, formerly realjuggalos.com is now gone, again. For all of your Psychopathic news, please redirect those browsers to JuggaloNews.com. Give them a few days, and all will be back to normal for them.

Speaking of normal, my date for being 100% back in the saddle is this weekend, so expect massive updates. Then expect me to be a few days late. Regardless, it will be good times for all soon enough.

[Mr. Pete] 06.04.05

Updates updates! Thanks for rejoining us here at PT.com, and I hope you have enjoyed your break. But now, it's time to get it on. I am almost fully on my new computer, so updates should be coming regularly from here on out. Well, as regular as updates from me come. There has been a LOT of new stuff out on HG.com lately, which I will be putting up as quick as I can.

I apologize to anyone who sent in a Link of the Week that I was unable to post. I hope everyone understands, and that all should be better from now on.