[TaDow] 11.26.01
What in the heck is up. There is a lot of shit goin down, so I will get right to it. Last night, ICP and Synn were on 101.1 WRIF here in Detroit, and as always, they put on a very good interview. They played some old songs, 3 new songs, and 3 Zug Island tracks. Not the best tracks from The Island, but sweet nonetheless. Refrain from hating until you see them live, or else you will be subject to a schooling. Anyways, a few people on our Message Board have it on CD-R if you want a copy. I have it on cassette for you 80's freaks who aren't in the 21st century yet. And RealJuggalos and I think TheSixth have it for Download, but they may not be the best quality. I dunno.
Hello Hello. Welcome... to the new and slightly improved PT.com. There are a few kinks, but that will get worked out in time. The main one being.. that if you view this page in Netscape, you don't get all of the "flavor" if you will. As a matter of fact, this main page probably looks gay as fuck to you. So we apologize for that, but only 5% of our hits come from Netscape. But we still did all the work to make it as sweet for you as possible. Also, as you can see, we are going to have to catalog the Old News about every two weeks, so that kinda sucks, but I am sure it will all be good.
Wow, another update from Suplex. I'll start off with the LOTM. It has just been updated with Adam's Stash. Now I took a look at his page, and he needs to make truck payments or something, so he's selling it all. Traders, he's got some rare stuff, and he has pictures of everything. If you have some money (unlike my broke ass) I suggest you take a look at that.
Whuddup traders? Not a whole lot going on here. There's some new stuff on the webstore (including those sweet new charms) and the Hatchet Rising Tour looks like it's coming to and end (for now at least, no new dates have been anounced yet). No real trading news to dish out, but some site news. Be sure, after you stuff your fucking faces with turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, you get your ass on the internet and head over to PT.com. We'll be launching a new, super fresh layout for you guys, and it is sure to blow the roof off the place. Anyways, with that, I'm out like the WCW/ECW Alliance.
Hey, quick, but important update. You may remember after Hallowicked, I told you all of a flyer given out, regarding Twiztid's Black Majik Album. Well, the news dropped... I guess a few days ago, and I didn't pick up on it. If you have that flyer, send it, along with your name, addy, and phone number to this addy:
Sup? I hate updating with small little updates every other day, but sometimes shit comes up so I feel I should. So anyways, the rumor out of the Twiztid Hotline is that there is some new Merch headed our way for the Holiday season. That would include a Twiztid Xmas EP and a Twiztid Xmas jersey. The CD is said to include a cut offof Black Majik, as well as a song from Big Stank and Lil Poot. Add that to Forgotten Freshness 3 and you have some new shit to look forward to.
What's up traders? Not a whole lot of official news to bring right now, just some site news. First off, the winners of the first PT.com/JuggaloLife Store free shit drawing has taken place, so congrats to ciknhuntr@aol.com who is taking home the Twiztid Freekshow Tour Shirt and a video dub of his choice, and Redrum2Dope, who is taking home his choice of a Golden Goldies Dub or N.A.W. Dub and the Twiztid Mostasteless Cassette. So congrats to those guys.
What's up? Nothin big, just wanted to drop in with a few things that should have been noted, but we never posted about. If you frequent the Psychopathic Web Store, you have noticed a lot of new shit. This includes, but is not limited to - bigger sizes of the Fire Madrox/Monoxide shirts, Psychopathic shorts, Hatchetman earrings, a handful of new knit hats, and long sleeve Milenko and AJB shirts. Also, I have not seen it, but according to Sir Scottie of FaygoLuvers.com, the Hallowicked comic is in stores today, so as soon as we get the pics of that, that will be up in our Comics section.
Another quick update here. I always mean to put this up, and I always forget due to my schedule. But enough about my personal life. If you are online late on Monday nights, maybe after wrestling or the football game and you want to hear some Psychopathic on the radio, then you need to check out The Psychopathic Hour x 2 from Midnight to 2am EST. They broadcast into your FM dial in the Detroit/Widsor area on 91.5, or you can check the website and Listen Live w/ Real Audio (Stream #1 works best I find). They always prop (or make fun of... I can never tell) PT.com, so we have to return that favor forsure. Any questions or comments, hit up HolyTerror316 on AIM about the show.
Back up in here for a quickie quick update. We got a very generous donation of two sweet pictures from FaygoJuggla@hotmail.com of the Twiztid Hallowicked 2001 shirt and the Hallowicked 2001 Hoodie. So here they are for your viewing pleasure. Click on either for a larger picture. Note that the "Detroit" for the hoodie is on the bottom back, much like the Hatchetman are on all of the new hoodies.Also, from RealJuggalettes.com comes a picture of the Orange Twiztid Freek Show jersey that Twiztid has worn, and was sold at Hallowicked.
What is up? I came home and tried to update last night, but when I was done, AOL booted me, so that got lost. So hopefully this update will be a little more readable after I slept a little. Probably less typos too. Anyways, I'm not going to go in depth on every detail. To see that, you can read any "Insert Direction here" "Insert Name of Pastry here" Report after you sift through all the misspellings. This is PT.com, and I'm gonna bring it like this.
Next up, props tp everyone who has commented one way or the other on the new layout/look. Keep the praise or hate coming. Speaking of new features, I didn't think the Psy. Web Store would keep pumpin out new shit like they have been, but they are, so out list over there on the right is getting a little long. Our goal is to keep stuff there for a week, then move it on. Also on that note... I am not sure about anything else, but checking the Web Store today I didn't see the Black/Grey Blaze stickers. They're gone! But the link here on our main page still works. So if you wanted that, you need us, and you need to act fast. I'ma have to order everything I want ASAP cause who knows what is goin down over there.
I think that is it. Gathering 2002 in Peoria, IL (for now) so that dominates. Start making those travel plans now. Until next update, I'm out like Edgerrin James' season.
**Later in the Day Update** Some news I forgot to drop earlier. First, if you care, Sabu was stripped of his IWF title last night in his match against Corp. Robinson in Dearborn, Michigan. As always, I was in attendance... not because Sabu has a Hatchetman on his tights, but because the IWF is the bomb. And Necro Butcher is really my uncle, but that is just speculation.
NEXT - speaking of Zug Island... I heard this early in the week, and I should have reported the scoop, but I forgot. Anyways, this week, Wednesday I think, there will be THREE Zug songs available on the ICP Website. I will guess they are the 3 played last night, but I am hopin for some Suicide and.. the other song I dig, which I don't remember the name of, but it's the shit, and if you disagree, you can not download them. Anyways, that was on the hotline today, as was another interesting tidbit that Rudy said, that I don't think he meant to. He was talking about the Sixth (Card, not website) and all the planning about the tours, etc etc. He mentioned how it's crazy to plan it this far in advance, "like, over a year... well, maybe about a half a year away." Now, we all know Psychopathic's motto is "If it's 75% confirmed, we're rollin with the news." But this COULD mean it will be released at the Gathering perhaps? Getting close... they can't just show it then. I smell it dropping, if anything, to get as many people to go to the Gathering as possible, as if they weren't already. (Although now I see on RJ, in the newest AP Mag, they announce that as when it will be released. Dammit) Ok, long update today. Peace.
As I take you through the main features... the Left has your lovely drop down menus for easy access to any page of ours you want to find. (That is.. for IE. If you're on Netscape reading this, you are assed out. Download IE!) And if you look here to the right you see a few new features. I have always heard people ask what new traders got added when we update. Now, boom, the newest ones will be right here, along with any item/pictures we add, as well as newest items on the Psy. Web Store and the lovable ol' Link of the Week/Moment. One slight problem here - the Web Store has been adding a LOT of shit lately, and most of it isn't all that new. So we won't put up like, Medium Mostasteless shirts. We'll save this for new items to the web store, overall, not new sizes, restocks of BMH posters, etc.
That is about it for me. It's Turkey Day so that means it's time to eat, lay on the couch and watch the Lions ruin their perfect season. They always pull it out when they don the Throwbacks. If you have any suggestions, comments, find any bugs/dead links, please email us. Your input makes a huge difference. There is something in particular I hope people ask about, but I will save that for a little 'Poll' in a few days perhaps. Anyways, I'm out like Drew Bledsoe's job.
Next tidbit of news, a Juggalo who just went to a Comic Con e-mailed us this little bit of info. FunHowse420@aol.com writes: OK I got some fresh news. I was at the comic con in Greensboro and they were giving away some PSYCHOPATHIC WEAR OVERALLS, they were a one of a kind, prototype kind of shit. I also got some more info from JumpSteady himself, he said that the "Behind the Paint Book" Is being edited right now and will be out in the next two months, well maybe, at least that's what he told me. And one last bit of news is that The Rude Boy is gonna grow his MULLET back.
I know that most people think that the Psychopathic Wear Shorts are gay, and I'll be honest, I wouldn't spend my money on them. But can you really blame ICP? If you goto the mall, there is Outkasts' line of clothing, there is Busta Rhymes' line of clothing, P. Diddys' line of clothing, and of course there is the Wu Tang Clan's Wu Wear. They're just trying to be like other rappers I suppose. But enough rambling. You heard it here first, Psychopathic wil follow up the shorts with Overalls, so look for those and ICP's book to be out in the near future. And lastly, I'm applauding Rude Boy and growing the mullet back. Mullet's rule. I'm out.
Psychopathic Records
Attn: Black Majik Free Track
P.O. Box 332
Royal Oak, MI, 48068-0332
If you do this, you will get a free CD with a track that won't even be on the Black Majik album! Pretty sweet. No word on if there is a limit on how many per person, or per envelope. To be SAFE, if you want more than one... you're a greedy fuck. I mean, to be safe, I would do them all in seperate envelopes, just in case. Also, if you are not greedy, I want one to keep, and not to redeem, so if you have a bunch and you're not gonna send them in, hook it up with a flyer! Yeah!
Anyways, that is it. Pretty big news. Speaking of big news... something may be occuring here at PT that doesn't happen very often. A new layout! Yes yes... a little face lift is in the works. So if you can't get past the main page for a few hours sometime this week, you know damn well when you come back, we will dominate your computer screens. So, until then, I'm out like Eddie Guerrero's job.
Also to those who have not seen, the Psychopathic Webstore now carries the Rydas jerseys as well as new 2001 silver charms. Pretty dominant. Anyways, I told you this was quick. So I'm out.
Normally I wouldn't mention this on the main page, but I feel I have to. I just updated the bad traders page, and I can't stress this enough, but check that page every time you do a trade! I got an IM earlier telling me that a rip off on our page has a new AIM name. So I go to the bad traders page to update, and the name is already on there! If that person (and about 4 other people I've heard) had checked the bad traders page, he wouldn't have gotten jacked. Anyways, enough with me lecturing. I'm out. Peace.
I think that is about it. We're lookin at some new things to bring to PT.com in the near future, so we will be bringing you some new shit.... well, soon. We'll keep you informed on that tip. Until then, I'm out like darklotus.net.
Also, I got word from Gorgagee82 that at the Wisconsin HRT show they were sellin the Orange FreekShow jerseys in very limited quantities. Maybe left overs from Hallowicked? Odd because the booth I went to was sold out. But regardless, if you have a show soon, mayeb they will have a few? Who knows. But that's it. I'm out like the Denver Defense tonight.
Also, We are just about finishing up our JuggaloLife.com drawing, so sit tight on that. It's the first time we are doing it, so we are working out all the kinks as we go. But we hope to have that announced by the end of the weekend. Also, the next drawing will be on December 31st, 2001. Plenty of time to get your orders in for the Holiday season. But that's it for now, so I am out like the Arizona bullpen.
Merch - The news we dropped was right. That was the CD that was given out, just in a black sleeve. There were two shirts, the one they showed on ICP.com and a Twiztid Hallowicked shirt. No Blaze. They also sold the Orange Twiztid Freekshow jersey, which sold out fast and if anyone doesn't want theirs, you best email me. Plus the poster, and the rest was regular merch.
The show itself was pretty good. Lotus opened, which no one was ready for. The masks they wear are 100X better than the ones for sale, but I still think they are gay. I mean, I understand WHY they do it, cause I assume they cannot paint their faces, then undo it and do it again for the next set. But they look like Slipknot up there, to be honest. Props to the kids in the pit who (jokingly) were singing Marz' part of Ali Baba. We all laughed as we were getting crushed. Then Blaze dominated. Twiztid did a short set with new face paint of X's over their eyes. Also, you heard it here first - Call the Twiztid Hotline @ 313-438-2812 on November 10th to hear a cut off of Black Majik. The ICP finished it off. I don't know how the rest of the tour has gone, songwise, but they played a lot of older shit (Get Off Me Dog, Dog Beats, Night of the Axe), and skipped a lot of regular staples to the set, like Chicken Huntin.
We bolted, and went to the Blaze Afterparty. Walking in, we were treated to a short ICP set, followed by Zug Island and then Blaze. Great set by Blaze, including Madrox helping on Grave Ain't No Place and J coming on for Str8 Outta Detroit. Note to Psychopathic: Bigger venues may be good to get more people, but they suck, flat out. The State Fairgrounds was just too big. Should have been at the Majestic, where Blaze was. And to the fans who just chill during Blaze and don't get into it, that is cool. But as soon as J hits the stage, and you go nuts... you piss me off highly. Also, they had Merch there, including a Hallowicked Hoodie.
It seems like I skipped something, but I guess that is about it. Shout outs go to everyone I ran into - Tom, ReXxX, Eric, Andy, my man Ron and Bill; Eric from Mass and his boy; Bob and his girl; the girl who I never know her name; any Lynch Mob fans; Ryan and his girl, Kera, Allen, and the rest of Juggalo-Family.com; Joey V and his girl, and anyone else that I ran into. I would also like to apologize to anyone at the Blaze afterparty that I injured, when they were stage diving. Hope all of your necks and heads aren't broken.
In PT news, the JuggaloLife.com drawing will occur very soon and winners will be contacted ASAP. Next contest will be announced in the next week or two. Also, as always, if you have any pictures of the new Hallowicked merch, feel free to send them our way. Those items will be put up soon, the October News will be archived, and all that good shit will go down soon. But I should prolly go back to sleep. So, like the D-Backs, I am out.