[Mr. Pete] 10.30.04

Another extended break from the Internetting world, but what can ya do? First I had another problem with my connection, but that should be fixed for good. The last few days... I just didn't want to be online, but I am back now, so let us get into it.

First off, HatchetGear.com is all new and updated and such. I just started poking around it... and it's kinda pissing me off, but I assume it's because I don't know what I am doing, so hey... like all things, I am sure it shall grow on me. I also thought I saw that they take PayPal? That's sweet.... so go check it out. They also have some new Blaze stuff, a 4-CD Pack of Singles, the Family shirt, some 'Olde Englishe' merch, and some other new items, so that is good stuff.

In other similar news, TwiztidShop took off their Halloween stuff, but the Smokers Only merch is going to debut on the 31st, so if you are interested in that, check it out. This also brings up the question of... why is Twiztid even on HatchetGear.com when their new merch is always on TS.com. Oh well...

I dunno, I am sure there is more, but just being back online, I haven't seen much else. I need to update some new merch, I have a lot of people to update/add to The List, and all of that jazz. And hey, tomorrow is Halloween, so there are two big shows. I'll be here in Detroit at the ICP show for those score at home. If there is any exclusive merch that wasn't on either site and you get some pictures, feel free to hook it up. We still need pictures of the Black Hallowicked shirt and the Jersey, so hopefully someone comes through on that.

But, for now.. my typing is pretty poor, so I should just end this. Have a safe weekend, and I shall return after the show.

[Mr. Pete] 10.21.04

When I update, I update strong. So today TwiztidShop came through with a lot of new stuff, includinmg FrightFest Exclusives (although... they aren't anymore. How ironic is that?), some other new stuff, and I believe some restock of last years FrightFest stuff. No Blaze shirts though, which is sad.

So yeah, I have two days off of work, so all of that and the recent HG.com stuff will go up, as wel las other goodies that I am working on, won't finish, and will never see the light of day. I try though.

Also, there is a new LOTM finally, and I have a few in my email that I will put up shortly, as well as List additions I will get to ASAP. So, enjoy yourself, and I am out.

[Mr. Pete] 10.20.04

I love when my computer stops working. It's good times, really. Anyways, I am back, as I am sure you do not care about. The Blaze instore was the other night, and 300 Grundymaniacs waited in the rain and cold outside of Hot Hits and all was good. They were selling the CD and the new Poster, which you can now find on HatchetGear.com. And if you haven't bought the CD yet, I don't know what you are waiting for. I enjoy it heavily, so you will also.

In other news, TwiztidShop is going to be selling FrightFest Merch starting tomorrow, so if you aren't headed out to the land of Boston, this will be your shot at picking up some goodies. It's only for 4 days, so get groovin' if you want something.

That's about all from the only site repping the Colton Grundy layout 24/7. Until next time, I am gone.

[Mr. Pete] 10.16.04

It's the middle of the weekend, and there isn't much to talk about. But, there is something worth noting. If you haven't already seen, HatchetGear.com dropped a lot of new stuff, including 3 new Blaze shirts, some new hoodies, and a plethora of restocked Christmas items. So if you are interested, so investigate that!

In other news, the "Merch Contest" is plugging along, although I don't think many people who aren't already on the Message Board are participating. That's alright though, as it's just a fun little idea to keep everyone busy. We'll keep you updated about it, if anyone cares.

That's really it though. I will probably update next after the Blaze Instore, so until then, I am done.

[Mr. Pete] 10.14.04

Ah, it's beginning to look like fall outside. Anyways, we have some news, so I might as well jump right into it. I just saw that Blaze is having an In-Store at Hot Hits on the 18th. Very cool. I shall indeed be there, and perhaps we will get some new Grundy Merch? We shall seeee...

Speaking of new merch, you may have seen the banner above. Go check that out! I know you all like contests, and this one should turn out to be very interesting.Or.. it will flop. Who knows?

That's really it for me right now. Perhaps I shall come back with some more information soon. Until then...

[Mr. Pete] 10.10.04

Updates for days. Well, not for days, but you know... anyways, I was just adding some people to the Traders List, and I still have some more to go, but some is better than none. I think I've said it before, but the time has really come to eliminate the people who don't have their own web pages. I am sure this will take off some Traders who still care, but I think they are the minority. It's too hard to tell if these people still trade (as opposed to links, where you can see if they are broken or not updated for years), and also I don't think many people actually email these traders. So... yeah, that needs to be done up soon. If you get knocked off, I am sorry.

In other news, Zug Izland was last night, and I was frankly surprised by the turnout. With little to no promotion that I saw from either of the main acts, I just didn't think many people would be there. But there was a good number of fans, and all acts put on great performances. Merchwise, I think they were selling a new Zug poster, maybe giving it away, I am not sure... but if anyone gets a hold of one, let us know.

I believe that is all. It's back to work for me tonight, but I will try to not let that stop my roll of updates. Smell ya...

[Mr. Pete] 10.08.04

Back to back updates? You are jesting me. Anyways, yes... I am here once again, and I actually did some updating. The new Twiztid shirts are up. Most of the Hells Pit Tour merch is up, although I am still missing a shirt or two, and some of the other newer stuff that has some out recently. Baby steps, though... baby steps. I also haven't forgotten about you Traders List! But I think I want to clean it while I update it, so that is becoming a task. I also have other goodies, per usual, up my sleeve, so those take up my time and energy... especially when Crystal deletes them.

Um.. don't forget Zug Izland and Jocaine tomorrow night in Flint. I shall be there celebrating my birthday, so... come talk to me or something. I'll smell you all later, as I leave you to the beautiful Blaze layout that he so richly deserves.

[Mr. Pete] 10.07.04

You cannot be serious. I had a good full day to do updates... I even had a few days after that. And what happens? Oh yeah, my Internet decides to fail me. Then, my Log In changes without telling me, so I couldn't update. Beautiful. But, I am back now, so all can rejoice. I will now update most of the new merch, some traders, and hopefully other goodies. Thanks for sticking with us.

Speaking of sticking with us... I noticed we passed the One Million Mark on the hit counter. Now, that doesn't count the... years we didn't have a counter, or the few months this year where it was broke and I didn't know it, so I am sure that adds about 27 extra hits. But hey, I would like to thank each and every one of that million plus who comes here. I often think I am doing this for nothing, but it's good to know someone comes here.

With that being said, I need to get to work. Adios, amigos.

[Samoa Pete] 10.04.04

I cannot believe it is already October. That's weird to me. It's also weird that I only updated here a handful of times in September. That's what a job with weird hours does to you I guess. Anyways, as you can see, I am back from my weekend in Philly. Things were good, so let's get down to the business at hand.

As I am sure you have already seen elsewhere, both HatchetGear.com and TwiztidShop.com have updated. HG.com has all of its new stuff in the "On Tour" section, which is a very good idea. I mean, we've been doing it for years, but it's much easier for them to do it for us! I'm also sure they will be selling charms, audio, stickers, etc etc... so always plan on a little extra being there.

Last week was also the Kickoff Party in Detroit, where I am told they had a Detroit exclusive Hallowicked shirt already! I suppose that was sold at that show, and then again on Halloween, and that is it. I'll have a picture up here ASAP on that, as well as all the other new merch, and as always, the List updates. I literally JUST came home after that drive... cut me some slack!

So yeah, I have some work to do, some staying up to do, some NBA Live to be played, etc etc... so stay tuned, enjoy the Hells Pit Tour, and I shall catch up with you in a minute.