[Suplex] 09.29.01

What's up traders! It's the day after the first HRT show, and I know your all mad curious to find out what the sixth card is as well as what merchandise they had there. Well I can tell you right now, I don't know the sixth, and if I did I wouldn't spoil it for the rest of you. But what I do have is a picture of the Dark Lotus masks being sold as well as a list of merchandise, courtesy of AIM Name: "whiterekluce206," whom I jacked the following merchandise list and picture from without asking:

Blaze Hockey Jersey
Twiztid Batman Jersey XXXL only
Batman hoodie
Jack Jeckel with Red Flames jersey
Mortons list
Psy Windbreaker
Twiztid windbreaker
Psy workshirt
Twiztid workshirt
Psy rings
Juggalo Show box set
Psy Hoodies
Mutilation Mix
Psy Chain Wallets
Dark Lotus Masks
Dark Lotus shirts
Hatchet Rising tour Shirt
Coming To Your Town shirt (Has List Of Different Tours On Back)
Psy leather Jackets
Twizitd bandanas
Psy bandanas
Psy boxers
Blaze Football jersey
Bunch of ICP Football Jerseys & BMX Jerseys

And here is the pic of the Mask, again, courtesy of "whiterekluce206:"

As you can see it is not the same one TaDow reported on earlier, it is red and black, unlike the white and black make up that Dark Lotus sports. Well, there's the main run down for you traders. As always, prices for the items are basically whatever the webstore prices now. 20 for shirts, I beleive 140 now for hockey jerseys, etc. Peace.

[Suplex] 09.28.01

Well Traders, the time has finally come. The HRT kicks off tonight in Seattle, and that means new merchandise. So I'm basically dropping in to say that if anybody in th Seattle area going to the show can hook us up with a list of merch sold or even better pics of new stuff we'd be much appreciated. The tour will be in California next, so CA Traders hook us up if nobody in Seattle will. I have the October 10th show here in Albuquerque, so if need be, I'll provide the merchandise update then if we don't get one ealier. My boy also has a digital camera, so we'll get you pics as well. Peace.

[TaDow] 09.27.01

What's up? Ain't much here goin on, in light of the upcoming tour, when we will be bombarded, so I am just catchin up on some school work... yeah, anyways, this update is just gonna do some things I have been meaning to get to, but haven't had the chance. First up, on the Merch tip, do you recall when Psychopathic said there would be Dark Lotus wrestling masks at the Hatchet Rising tour? Well, check this out. Straight from Highspots.com, you got a Cross mask. Maybe they made so many for Psy, they are selling extras? Maybe it's just a wacky coincidence. We shall soon see. Props to ME for finding that shit while looking for cool wrestling masks.

Next up, more news that I have only seen on FaygoLuvers - Rumor has it that between Hatchet Rising shows, there is the possibility of Psychopathic Rydas show. For example, Hallowicked in Detroit on Wednesday. Then a show in Grand Rapids on Friday. So, that would mean a possible Rydas show somewhere in Michigan on Thursday. So we shall see how that goes down. I'll be missin a few days of school forreal.

Now some props. First, to ForeverJuggalo.com for being a cool new site, and for giving PT their Link of the Month. Excellent. Another sweet site, but yet to give us props, but hey, it still rules, would be DriveBy Juggalos. Gotta respect a site dedicated to Blaze. And it's a little premature, but there has been some hype over the Juggalo Family site. So check that out and remember it for what it unleashes itself upon you in the near future.

Hmm, I think that is it. I thought there was another site, but it slipped my mind at the moment. Regardless, I hope all those links work. So, until next time, I'm out like Drew Bledsoe's internal organs.

[TaDow] 09.25.01

What's goin down? I'm just checkin in to try and get the scoop on all the others site by reporting to you on the Zug Island Listening party tonight, in Detroit, Michigan. It was supposed to be by Invite Only, but they opened it up to everyone soon after all the List people got in. Overall, a little over 100 people, with about half of them being Zug Island's friends, family, etc, and not at all into ICP and the like. Well, they were soon introduced to Blaze and Anybody Killa as they hit the stage for a great set. Then soon after, ICP got up and sang a handful of songs (not in order at all - Hey Vato, Assassins, The Juggla, Tilt a Whirl and Cherry Pie to my memory).

Then, J talked about Zug Island, and introduced us by playing 4 songs from the CD, which included Small Town (w/ ICP), Idiot, and Prison Song... it's about goin to jail after killing your wife. Then, the Island played a good 6 songs live. Their CD comes out, right now, at the beginning of 2002. If you're going to hate on it for not being rap, then don't even buy it. But if you have an open mind and want to hear it (or you love any swill that Psychopathic shoves at you) then boom, this is all you. They are a little heavier live than it sounded from the CD, so if you're not all about the CD when it drops, I would give them a chance live first.

To sum up, I will give my usual list of props. First off, I thank good ol Joey V for letting me know that you could possibly get in without an invite. Next, he'll never read it, but after we got something to eat and came back, the security still would not let us in. At that moment, Alex came out and said to let everyone in. So that was excellent, even if it was in the middle of Blaze's set. We still caught Hood Rats though, so it's all good. Also, to the Greektown Casino for not realizing that they provided me with free parking. And to everyone else, blah blah blah... I'm beat so I'm out like the Lions' season.

[Suplex] 09.22.01

Whuddup Traders? Not a whole lot of news to drop today, just a little site stuff. We've changed the Link Of The Week to the Link Of The Moment, meaning that the link will change randomly. It won't be as long as a week, but I can guarantee we'll give you at least 3 days up there. Keep the e-mails coming in for the now Link Of The Moment spot, and we'll get everybody on there. I'm out like Stone Cold's WWF Championship Belt.

[TaDow] 09.19.01

What is up? Few things to drop here. First off, if you noticed above, we announced the prizes for the PT/JLife Drawing, on October 31st. Now, some haters would say "Those prizes are gay." Well, when you decide to donate something better, you know our email addys. As time goes on, and the store gets more business, prizes will pick up. But you can't expect us to give away jerseys off the bat. On that note, props to Scottie at Faygoluvers.com for mentioning PT and the Juggalo Life Store in a few of his last few posts. It's good to see that he checks in to PT every now and again.

Also, I am not sure how often you all look, but all of the Merch. Lists on the left, they are all now subdivided into ICP, Twiztid, Blaze, etc etc. But, I believe that is it for right now. So I'm out.

[TaDow] 09.17.01

Some good stuff has been droppin lately, huh? Well, here goes some more for you. If you can't wait until the Hachet Rising Tour, head on over to the Psychopathic Web Store and check out the NEW Twiztid Batman hockey jerseys. Also, just now I looked and they are also at the Juggalo Life Store and for cheaper. So check it out at the Psy Store, and go to JLife and buy it.

Speaking of the hook ups from the JL Store and PT, you may have heard the rumors of the possibility of free shit of you order through them and tell them you came from PT. Well, this is true, and it will materialize very soon. Right now we are looking at least TWO prizes for two lucky winners, and the drawing to be held on October 30th. So check back later tonight or tomorrow, and I will probably drop the prizes on that ass.

I guess that is it from us right now. We're just workin on some shit before the new tour hits with a ton of new Merch. So, until then, I am out like high prices on Psychopathic merchandise, thanks to the JuggaloLife Store (free shameless plus).

[Suplex] 09.16.01

What's up Juggalos? Major news to drop here. There is a new, legit, and best of all CHEAP on-line store that PT.com is now proud to be associated with. They're called the Juggalo Life Online Store, and they've just opened up. They are super legit and best of all, all their prices are lower than the webstore, than milenko500, than everybody. Football jersies 90 bucks, T-shirts 15 bucks, and the list goes on.

What you need to do is go order all your cool shit (they have whatever ICP.com has), and make sure you write with your order that you were refered by PT.com. That will enter you into a free shit drawing open only to PT.com'rs. They will also occasionaly sponsor PT.com contests, so a lucky Juggalo can get free shit as well. Hit them up! Peace!

[Suplex] 09.13.01

Hey Juggalos! I hate to update right after TaDow did, but I got some bad trader info a lot of people may want to know, so I'm writing about it here on our news page.

A kad named Ron Ward, better to known to everybody as the rip off ThaJuggla8 has a new AOL AIM Name/E-Mail. This was sent in by this juggalo SaintDoginOC@aol.com, who informed us that Ron Ward's new name is oneheinousbeing@aol.com and he is trying to sell things on eBay. This kid got jacked for 130 for a Hallowicke Box that was on eBay, which sucks for him, but at least we now know his new AOL name, so others can avoid him. I'm out for now, Peace.

[TaDow] 09.13.01

Well, as the world stopped there for a little while, so did we. You know what is goin on, so you didn't need to hear it here. Anyways, what is up Juggalos? In some Site News, if you check out the Misc. section, you will see we added a Videos section, as well as some graphics for the Misc. pages. If you ordered anything from Psy lately, give it a few extra days to get to you. That be it for me though. I'm out.

[Suplex] 09.07.01

Ok, a little site news to dish out here about our Link Of The Week. This week, some shit went down because of a little confusion about it. The kid who does this eBay auction IM'd me asking for me to put it up, and I said OK. Well what I didn't know was that 4 other people were in line waiting to get on, because they all told TaDow only.

So first off, I apologize to the people who got the bone. My Bad.

But it is fixed now. EVERYBODY, I mean EVERYBODY, who wants to be Link Of The Week, must e-mail LOTW@psychopathictraders.com to get on. That way, all three of us here know about the requests and we can also track the dates the mails were received so the first person to ask can get first priority. That's it for now, peace!

[TaDow] 09.05.01

I always start with "Nothin new goin on" but something must be new, or I wouldn't be updating. Anyways, on the Psychopathic Web Store, there are now two new Twiztid shirts as well as a Batman Twiztid hoodie. Hot Hits also has the Monoxide version of the shirt, so if you'd rather go through them, boom. Odd sizes though, so hopefully they will fix that.

But as always, that is it. There is a lot of stuff I want to do on PT here, so hopefully, that will all get done. Also, if you email/IM me, and I am a total dick, hey, I'm a little pissed at life in general, so don't take anything personally. So, until next time, I am out like Hank the Angry Dwarf.

[TaDow] 09.04.01

What is goin on? Ain't shit here. The Holiday weekend brought a slow-down to the massive amounts of new merech that Psychopathic has been throwin out lately. But I am sure that will change here soon. Anyways, straight from the Dragon Con and Delusional @ RealJuggalos, there is some new Mortons List/Dark Carnival Games shirts available. I don't know if they will be on the Psy. Web Store, or MortonsList.com, or where it will all be. But it is out there, and it will be added here to PT.com very soon. As always, if you have good pictures, hook it up. But that is about it for me for today, unless the Web Store adds some shit. So until then, I am out like summer vacation.

[Suplex] 09.03.01

Whattup Traders? It's early Labor Day morning and since I haven't done much main page updating in a week and a half I decided I'd drop in. To be perfectly honest I don't have much to say except keep a look out on the ICP official webstore because it seems that they adding shit every day.

In other news, I've got a Hatchet Rising Show on October 11th, one of the first shows on the west coast leg, so we'll be able to bring you an early look @ merchandise. I changed the Link Of The Week, so check that out as well. I'm out.