PT Posters Blaze

  • Anything Underlined is a Link to a picture of that item.
  • The Prices in Green are the estimated values of the Poster.
  • Measurements are in approximate Inches (unless otherwise noted) and are read [Wide x High]

    1. Sleepwalkaz   $20+
      Comments: Before Blaze was well.. Blaze, he was in a group called 2 Krazie Devils with another rapper named Skrapz. This group later turned into The Sleepwalkaz and pretty much did nothing, which is a good thing for us Blazealos. Not much is know about this poster like why it was produced or how many were made etc, so if you have any info hit us up. Some collectors think this is worth good money while others think of it as garbage but thats really for yourself to decide.
    2. Blaze Ya Dead Homie   $20+
      Measurements: 24″ x 36″
      Comments: Only sold at the Gathering 2000 at first, this was available cheap at the Psychopathic Online store, among other places on the Net.
    3. 1 Less G Promo   $20+
      Measurements: 18″ x 24″
      Comments: This poster promotes Blaze’s first full length CD, as it’s name and picture shows. I am sure this was given to some stores, but the first I heard of it was when it dropped on the Web Store. It was also at Hot Hits and you could have stolen them from the walls at the Blaze party after Hallowicked 2001. But they quickly sold out at both the Web Store and Hot Hits, so I would say they are fairly rare.
    4. 1 Less G Poster   $10+
      Measurements:18″ x 24″
      Comments: This poster is Blaze’s “real” poster for 1 Less G. I would equate this, and the poster above, to Twiztid’s Mostasteless and Mostasteless Available Now posters – one with writing being rarer than the one without. It is now available on the Psychopathic Web Store.
    5. “Alleyway” Poster   $6+
      Measurements: 18″ x 24″
      Comments: For no particular reason, we get this new Blaze poster in late-February of 2003… not that we are complaining! This popped up on the Web Store, and his tour.
    6. Colton Grundy Promo   $5+
      Measurements: 18″ x 24″
      Comments: Colton Grundy Tha Undying finally dropped on October of 2004, and with it came this poster. Blaze doesn’t have many posters, but that makes them all the better when they come out.
    7. Blaze Door Poster  $18+
      Measurements: 24″ x 60″
      Comments: September of 2006 brought us some “door posters” on Blaze comes strong with the classic pose that… probably won’t get you laid if you bring the girl next door into your room with this on the door. If it does happen, you’re the man.
    8. Blaze “Shovels” Door Poster  $18+
      Measurements: 24″ x 60″
      Comments: Door poster depicting your dead homie digging up some graves with the Clockwork Gray era Blaze logo. Awesome.

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