Category: News



If anyone has anything that’s not currently on the website and would like it to be Please Send Pics and Descriptions send them to and ill upload asap. Thanks


This will be a long neverending process. I take it day by day so I hope you are enjoying the more updated lists and the new lists to come. Big things are still to come and Surprises. So Be Patient!!! WHOOP WHOOP

Hello Fellow Traders and Juggalo’s

Big Things Are To Come

Rumors of our death are greatly exaggerated

The other rumors, however, are true.  PT is coming under new management, who currently wishes to remain anonymous.  I wanted to plan a fitting farewell post, but got lazy, so I guess that’s the most fitting thing I could have done.  Pete Goddamn, however, is a much better man than I, and I’ll leave you with his words.


“Brothers and sisters…. We are gathered here to today to celebrate in the loss of the evil and sinful website known as PT.” We all saw it coming but we never officially admitted it. We fought the good fight but too many circumstances got in the way – whether it was life, technology, massive amounts of merch, competition – it just happened.


I will keep this very short and very simple. Whatever happens with this site, I wish it the best of luck. A lot of work went into it over a good chunk of almost 20 years, so I hope that the new ownership continues that legacy. Aaron, Tom, James, Chris, Chris, Brendan…. All good brothers who helped out on this end of things, as well as every single person out there who ever contributed any pics or info to the site, joined the message board, or did anything to help it grow. A few of us provided the bones, but everyone else helped it grow.


PT wasn’t RJN or FLH but I truly believe it was right behind those two (sorry, TheSixth). As the memories flow back, a handful of things that will never get taken away from PT’s legacy – my name is in Behind the Paint because of PT, which still shocks me; PT was mentioned on Dark Lotus’s “Dot Com;” PT had an audio interview with Monoxide that made it onto one their EPs; PT got a lot of heat from Twiztid when the Green Book came out; PT helped develop merch – all of these things happen regularly now but it was a huge deal for this site to hit those milestones when it did.


I wish the best to whoever picks up the ball and runs with it in the big picture of the Psy/MNE Universe. Maybe that’s the “Museum” group on Facebook; they don’t do exactly what we did, but they blew up and are doing their thing and I respect that. I wish that our paths crossed earlier and we could have had a joint venture that serviced the entire community. Maybe it’s someone else. Maybe it’s the new management here. ICP and Twiztid are still going to keep pumping out merch, people are still going to buy it, people are still going to look for old stuff and will want to buy/sell/trade, so the market is there… and the community of traders will live on, whether it is via website, message board, ebay, Facebook or whatever the next form of media will be.


This is not a shut-down. This is not a goodbye from us personally because we are still around, at shows, online and such. This is simply an official handing off of the baton to the next person who wants to carry it.


I’m a Freek Show, so I won’t die…

Traders!  It’s seems like I haven’t updated in so long, Blaze was still alive last time I did.  My apologies.  A new job, and a bunch of other stuff has happened.  This includes the Hallowicked and Fright Fest/Abominationz tours!  Both were very dope.  Updates are coming, shortly.  Some may even hit tonight.  Shoutout to everyone we met up with on tour, especially the big man Al Mighty from Faygoluvers for winning Violent J’s own custom 1 of a kind Hallowicked Death Pop jacket.  Double shout out to TWIZTID!  This year at their GOTJ seminar, they announced that they were effectively rebooting their merch because it got away from what they wanted to be.  Well, on the Abominationz tour, they kept getting shipments of super dope and LIMITED merch all tour!  I can’t wait to see what they do next.  I’m out for now, keep it real, and get ready for the Abominationz tour’s second leg, and the Mighty Death Pop tour!

Ladies and Gentlemen, you’ve all come a long way to be here tonight…

This is Bang, Pow, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!  Not really, but good LORD does that song get me hype as fuck and ready to punt Faygo off the stage.  In reality, this is a NEW layout for us, the start of a new direction.  Please let us know if you see anything that’s broken or anything similar.  Pics coming later tonight of the merch booth from Twiztid last night thanks to our very own MCBobbyK, hit him up on Twitter @MCBobbyK.  Take a look around and let us know what you think!  Email me at  The look may change but rest assured, this is the start of an awesome beginning!  – Counterfeit God


