- Anything Underlined is a Link to a picture of that item.
- The Prices in Green are the estimated values of the flat.
- All flats are glossy, unless otherwise noted.
- Flats are usually given out at instores to get autographed. Thus, you find a lot that are signed. They are also sent to stores or radio stations, etc, to be used as promotion.
- Prices on these are tricky. Since they are mostly autographed (some personalized), it’s hard to ignore that fact, even though most people who collect them want them Mint (without autograph). So prices are a rough estimate, just to give you an idea of what they can go for. Depending on if they are auto’ed or not, and if you want that or not, price can fluxuate either way.
- Measurements read: Width in inches by Height in inches
- ICP 3 Member w/out Paint (Pool Table) $125+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This is one of two that I would call ICP’s first flats. Pictured are J, Shaggy, and Shaggy’s brother John. These are known as “Dog Beats” era flats, but I am not exactly sure when they surfaced. Also, this was in a lot at the Auctions at the Gathering 2000.
- ICP 3 Member w/out Paint $125+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This is the second of the pair that are known as ICP’s first flats. Again pictured are J, Shaggy, and Shaggy’s brother John. These are known as “Dog Beats” era flats, but I am not exactly sure when they surfaced. This also was in a lot at the Auctions at the Gathering 2000.
- COC 3 Member w/out Paint $50+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: Here we have the first COC flat, but replacing John is Greez-E, I do believe. Anyways, this flat has indeed been MASS-bootlegged by a local music store (Rock of Ages) and they have circulated online quickly by people trying to pass them off as legit. At first, these copies were, stupidly, 8.5 x 11, and not even on the same type of paper, or with the same gloss (the smarter bootleggers may have corrected for this). If you have this flat, and any other flat, compare them to see what you think. Unfortunately, these use to go for 100 dollars easily, but fakes being sold has killed the rarity of them in the mids of the masses. If you have an OG, to a collector, the value is still high.
- COC 3 Member w/ Paint $50+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: First Flat with the face paint, and some odd variations of today’s at that. So if you ever see anyone with their face painted like this, you know it’s sweet. I do wonder.. why is J always in the middle? Anyways, this flat was ALSO bootlegged by the aforementioned shitty ass local store, so likewise, rarity got killed. All the same things apply to size, paper, etc.
- ICP 2 Member w/out Paint $75+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This is the first 2 member flat, and I believe is surfaced around the Beverly Kills era, although it could be anywhere from there through Ringmaster and Terror Wheel to be honest. This, too, was in a lot at the Gathering 2000 auctions.
- ICP “Up Close” $125+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: Now here is an interesting piece of merchandise. I never had seen one of these until someone brought it to my attention, saying he had one back in the day, and he had come across one that had belonged to his friend. Needless to say this is right up there with the OG flats in rarity and value. You may also ask how we know ehere to put this in the order of flats. As you may notice, the “ICP” underneath the photo is the same as the 2 Member w/out Paint flat above, so that would squarely, and logically put this with that somewhere between the BK and TW eras. I also want to say that the same picture was used in a Metro Times or Real Detroit article about ICP back in the day.
- ICP Riddle Box $40+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This was used, I assume, at the Riddle Box instores, which there were a good number of in the Midwest.
- ICP Great Milenko (Hollywood) $40+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: These flats were put out by Hollywood Records, with the picture from the JWYTTWD poster. We all know the story, so these were never used at instores, and are fairly rare. These are also a little glossier and lighter than the others if I recall.
- ICP Great Milenko (Island) $25+
Size: 8.5″ x 10″
Comments: So Island picks them up, and boom, we have a new flat used on the in store tour during the Milenko Era. These are becoming a little rarer as time passes, as do most things.
- ICP Great Milenko #2 (Island) $25+
Size: 8.5″ x 10″
Comments: Oh yesh, Island comes strong with two flats. They really wanted to promote, it appears.
- ICP Amazing Jeckel Brothers #1 $15+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: Same deal here. These were used during the AJB Instore tour of the summer of 1999.
- ICP Amazing Jeckel Brothers #2 $15+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: Another AJB Era flat, distributed by Island Records to promote the Insane Clown Posse to stores, radio station, and the rest of the free world.
- ICP Bizzar Bizaar #1 $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: You guessed it… this was used during the Bizzar era, and at the Gathering 2001 for the ICP signings I do believe.
- ICP Bizzar Bizaar #2 $10+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: Another Bizzar Era flat. I feel this is a tad rarer than the one above, as I don’t see as many floating around.
- ICP The Wraith: Shangri-La $10+
Size: 11″ x 8.5″
Comments: This flat surfaced when The Wraith debuted, but unlike most of the flats, this wasn’t centered around an instore tour or anything of that sort. They were just used as a promotional tool. This flat also puts a kink into the “Black/White” part of this section, but alas, that is how it goes.
- The Wraith: Shangri-La Multi Picture $20+
Size: 11″ x 8.5″
Comments: Like above, this was used by D3 to promote The Wraith. This one, however, I have found to be far rarer than the other.
- The Wraith: Shangri-La Multi Picture #2 $20+
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Comments: Again, we have a D3 flat, with multiple pictures of ICP. And again, this seems to be a little harder to come by for the average trader so far
- ICP Hell’s Pit $20+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: These were used as a promotional tool like all the other flats over the years. Like most flats after Bizzar Bizaar, these arn’t that common to find around.
- Shaggy 2 Dope’s Fuck The Fuck Off $20+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: These were given to select radio stations and at the Detroit Music Awards to promote Shaggys 2006 solo LP “Fuck The Fuck Off”. Not many of these are floating around making it somewhat rare.
- Twiztid Mostasteless $25+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: These were used at Twiztid’s first two instores in August of 1998 at Hot Hits and Rock of Ages. Most people who were there got their CD auto’ed though, so these are probably a lot harder to find “mint.”
- Twiztid Mostasteless 2000 #1 $10+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: This was used to promote the rerelease of Mostasteless. I recall them being for sale at the local store Rock of Ages in early 2000 for $2.
- Twiztid Mostasteless 2000 #2 $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This was used to promote the rerelease of Mostasteless. I recall them being for sale at the local store Rock of Ages in early 2000 for $2.
- Twiztid Freek Show $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: These flats were used at Twiztid’s autograph signings at the Gathering 2001 I believe. They were also given away at some Comic Cons in 2001.
- Twiztid Mirror Mirror $30+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: These were used to promote Twiztid Mirror Mirror EP in the spring of 2002. I havn’t seen alot of these out there so they are somewhat rare.
- Twiztid Green Book $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: These have been popping up along with press releases, sent to music stores and such, to promote the upcoming Green Book album. I am sure these will also be around if there are some instores by Twiztid. Also, I believe these are the normal 10″ x 8″, but if you get one and see it’s 11″ x 8.5″, please let us know.
- Twiztid Man’s Myth $10+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: This flat I believe was used by Twiztid when they were guests at a Wizard World Convention in 2005 to promote the Man’s Myth CD. The one we have pictured is signed which I have a feeling most were since it was basically an instore but there might be some unsigned out there as well. And I know this isn’t a B/W flat, but thats how it goes.
- Blaze Ya Dead Homie $25+
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Comments: These “flats” have a little more thick-cardboard feel to them, and are not glossy.. but I jock Blaze, so they are here. The day before Hallowicked 2000, Blaze and ABK substituted for Twiztid at a Haunted House (Terror Town) for an autograph signing, and had these to sign for people since most kids only brought Twiztid stuff. I heard Blaze would be there so I was prepared.. but anyways, these are fairly rare to begin with, no less finding an unauto’ed one.
- Blaze “1 Less G” $15+
Size: 11″ x 8.5″
Comments: These were only available, that I know of, at the Gathering 2001 at the Blaze autograph session. Most people got them signed, but some have leaked out that are not signed.
- Blaze “2003” $15+
Size: 11″ x 8.5″
Comments: This recently just came to our attention.This I guess was used in 2003 which is weird because usually Psy busts out flats for upcoming CD’s and Blaze’s cd wasn’t released until late 2004, so I have no clue what these were used for. But I’m not complaining cause it’s another flat for your collection.
- Zug Izland $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: These flats appeared in early 2003 with the release of Cracked Tiles, and were used at some of the band’s instore appearances, as well as given out at most shows at the merch booth.
- Zug Izland #2 $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: These flats first appeared at the Hallowicked 2003 afterparty that Zug performed at, and one can only assume they will be used in promotions for the band in the future.
- Anybody Killa $10+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: ABK started giving these out after shows with KMK. I can only assume they were available at his instore tour, among other places..
- Esham ‘Acid Rain’ $20+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: The day before the Acid Rain Tour started, Esham had an in-store (with Zug Izland and Jumpsteady), and these were given out there. Esham didn’t stay the whole time, so not many people even got a chance at these flats, so in the grand scheme, they are rarer than usual, I would say, since I never saw them pop up elsewhere.
- Esham $10+
Size: 8″ x 10″
Comments: With Repentance coming up fast, these flats surfaced as part of “Promo Packs” to help promote E. Diddy across the country.
- Psychopathic Rydas $20+
Size: 11″ x 8.5″
Comments: These were only available at the Gathering 2001 at the Rydas autograph session. Less than 50 people got in, and most got theirs autographed. Some, however, kept them unsigned. I believe after they were done, someone gave out the remaining flats to people in line.
- Project Born $40+
Size: 10″ x 8″
Comments: This is a pretty rare flat, actually. Not very many floating around. I never heard of a PJB Instore, although I did hear of a record release party in Flint, so I do not know where these would have come from.